RAD and Gadgets for TaskId and Task data

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Mon October 29, 2018 02:09 AM

In 10.3 release Task Engine server is available in the Integration Server. In the Integration Server Task Engine CAF portlets are not supported. Thus the Business data cannot be conventionally accessed as earlier. The Business Data can be accessed using RAD and Gadgets. The document speaks about configuring RAD and Gadget and using it for Integration Server Task Assets.

Follow the steps.

1.    Create RAD with the document

2.    Create Gadget and Drag and drop the RAD. Deploy the Gadget to MWS

3.    CORS setting in IS

4.    In the AppSpace WHN include the Gadget in the Task Details Page.

Create RAD with the document

1.    Create a package in IS : ISTaskPackage

2.    Create a folders: Doc, RAD

3.    In the Doc folder create a document with some strings. This document will be used to start the process.

4.    In the RAD folder create a Rest Resource. Right click and select Rest resource and select GET and PUT and click on Finish. As we need to get the task id and the business data we have to implement both GET and PUT.

In the GET  INVOKE pub.task.taskclient:getTask. In the Input/Output  add string taskId in the Inputs and in the Outputs add string taskId and Document reference created in Step3


In the Pipeline view link Pipeline In taskId to Service In taskID . Set includeTaskdata = true

Please note that the string name should be taskId

In Service Out and Pipeline Out add the document reference and link it pipeline and then Save.

In PUT invoke pub.task.taskclient:updateTask. Refer to the screenshot for the Input and the Outputs to be configuref for PUT.


In Pipeline view do the following linking

·        Add the document reference under Task Data in Service In and link it to the document in Pipeline In and then Save the Pipeline.

·        Link the taskId in Pipeline In  to the taskID in Service In

·        Link the status  in Pipeline In  to the status under Task Info in Service In.

Refer to screenshot

Create a Rest API descriptor. Please Note the document name should be same in all the places referred

Create Gadget and Drag and drop the RAD. Deploy the Gadget to MWS

1. In the UI development perspective, create a New Gadget Application and create a new Gadget Project.

2. Drag and drop the Rest API created above in the view.html. Click Next. In the Second window Rest Resource Selection select PUT. Click Next.

3. In the Third window provide Form Name. Verify the Input Parameters and select Mandatory or not as needed and click Next

4. In the Fourth window Pagination details select restconnector.paginationpage.gadgetconfiguration and click Edit Attributes. Click AddEntry . In AtrtributeName type taskId, click Map Attribute and Select taskId. Refer to the screen shot

5. Click Finish.

CORS setting in IS

Login to IS. Go to Settings->Extended. Click on Edit extended settings. Add the following





In the AppSpace WHN include the Gadget in the Task Details Page.

1.    Login to Business Console

2.    Click on Appspace

3.    Click on WHN.

4.    For the specific task click on Customize the Task Details Page and add the gadget created in Step 2: Create Gadget and Drag and drop the RAD. Deploy the Gadget to MWS

