Using Platform Navigator:
The steps described in the Knowledge Center page (link attached below) are applicable for deploying Designer flows (exported as a BAR file) as well as Toolkit authored message flows.
Cloud Pak for Integration only: Creating an integration server to run your BAR file resources
Using Command Line or CI-CD pipeline:
You can also build a CI-CD pipeline to create an integration server. Before the integration server starts, the container is checked for the folder /home/aceuser/initial-config. This allows you to inject configuration into the image as files. You could refer to the link below to inject configurations as file:
To build the CI-CD pipeline, you could follow the steps below:
Refer to section 7.5 in the guide below for building the CI-CD pipeline
Accelerating Modernization with Agile Integration
Openshift ‘service’ is provisioned by default during Helm Deploy, which can be used to access the APIs/Services deployed on the integration server from within the cluster.
Run the command below to get the service name:
oc get svc -n <namespace>
By default the name of service is in the format <helm release name>-<chart name>. The fully qualified service name takes below format by default:
<helm release name>-<chart name>.<namespace>.svc
As an example, we take the service name test-rel-ibm-ace-server-icp4i-prod in the above screenshot . The fully qualified name for this service would become :
This service exposes the HTTP interface on port 7800. To describe the example, a ‘ping’ API has been deployed on this integration server. So the applications deployed on this cluster, can access the ‘ping’ API using below URL:
The screenshot below shows accessing the ping API from an MQ container deployed on the cluster.
If the API needs to be accessed from outside, then an OCP route for the service should be exposed. Use the command below to expose the port 7800 of the service ‘test-rel-ibm-ace-server-icp4i-prod’:
oc expose svc test-rel-ibm-ace-server-icp4i-prod –port=7800
Now you can access the ‘ping’ API from outside
Deploying More than one BAR file on an integration server:
As discussed in section 4, after you segregate your IIB applications/services into groups for deployment you may package one group of application/services into one BAR file and deploy. However in certain scenarios, where the applications/services of a group might be developed by separate developers/teams, they would produce separate BAR files for the applications/services. So you would need to deploy all those BAR files, that makes up one complete application, into the integration server. Currently more than one BAR file can not be deployed into an integration server from the ACE Dashboard UI; however you can deploy more than one BAR file using the CI-CD pipeline or Command-line.
Before the integration server starts, the container is checked for the bar files in folder /home/aceuser/initial-config/bars. You can bake the BAR files into the base image from CP4I and create a docker image for your Integration server. Below is the example docker file:
Now create the image from this docker file, tag it and push to the OCP registry
oc login ${OCP_API_SERVER} -u ${USER} -p ${PASSWORD} --insecure-skip-tls-verify
docker login ${OpenshiftRegistryURL} -u $(oc whoami) -p $(oc whoami -t)
docker build -t ${imagename}:${tag} .
docker tag ${imagename}:${tag} ${targetrepo}/${imagename}:${tag}
docker push ${targetrepo}/${imagename}:${tag}
This image has your BAR files baked into it. You can point to this image when performing helm deployment.