IBM Event Streams Kafka Hub and MQ Hosted integration with the Kafka MQ Connector
In this new article we’ll explore the integration of IBM MQ and IBM Event Streams leveraging the Kafka MQ Source Connector to take MQ Messages from MQ Hosted on IBM Cloud Public and publish them on a Kafka Topic hosted on IBM Event Streams on IBM Cloud Private.

Fig.1 Integrating IBM Event Streams with IBM MQ Hosted
The scenario
- Use Helm Package manager on IBM Cloud Private to deploy a Kafka Event hub.
- Create our first Kafka topic
- Capture and download the Kafka Cluster connection configuration and credentials.
- Download the Kafka MQ Source connector from IBM Event Streams for deployment.
- Configure the connector for connection to IBM Event Streams and MQ Hosted Queue Manager.
- Download and start the sample Kafka consumer application
- Launch the MQ Console for IBM MQ Hosted and place messages on the test queue.
- Observe the results in the Kafka MQ Connector and Kafka consumer.
- Explore IBM Event Streams to observe the results of our actions.
Video tutorial
The following video tutorial captures the scenario steps outlined above:
IBM Event Streams (Kafka) leveraging Kafka MQ source Adapter