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IBM Bluemix Continuous delivery with IIB and MQ in the Bluemix Container Service

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Fri July 10, 2020 04:35 AM

IBM recently added continuous delivery pipeline capabilities to Bluemix by DevOps Services. Using this capability in conjunction with the IBM Bluemix Container Service takes the heavy lifting out of customising and deploying Docker containers.

We demonstrate this approach by combining both IIB and MQ in a container project and show the start to finish process to build and deploy your own copy of this asset.

The IIB and MQ container is a manual merge of the MQ Container Sample and the ot4i IIB Docker Container Sample on GitHub.

The IIB components also show an example of how you might add ODBC and callable flows to the IIB instance. Callable flows are particularly relevant when considering how cloud-based IIB production containers might invoke on-premises IIB flows for access to on-premises resources, or legacy systems.

To get started, you’ll need a Bluemix account, or sign up for a free trial.

The procedure to build and deploy an IIB and MQ container is shown in the attached video, and you can also download a PDF file of the complete step-by-step tutorial. (attached below)

IIB containers are a great way to rapidly test and prove out your integration ideas, or to stand up longer running cloud based services. With IIB, MQ, and Bluemix services combined, the industrial strength of IBM integration and MQ messaging has never been so flexible.

10 comments on"IBM Bluemix Continuous delivery with IIB and MQ in the Bluemix Container Service"

  1. Jonas Matos June 14, 2017

    Great, video.

    However, even though I’ve followed step-by-step, I am not being able to access MQ console on port 9443, although IIB on port 4414 is available.

    I am getting Getting:
    This page isn’t working
    didn’t send any data.

    Any ideas on what that could be, or how can I check that out?

    Thanks in advance.

    Reply (Edit)
    • Jonas Matos June 14, 2017

      Hi, Rhaul.

      I was able to find the mentioned log, however I a not being able to access the MQ server on that port.

      (XXX.XX.X.XX took too long to respond)

      “message”: “{\”log\”:\”connect to \\\”https://XXX.XX.X.XX:9443/ibmmq/console/\\\”\\n\”,\”stream\”:\”stdout\”,\”time\”:\”2017-06-14T02:14:06.428933013Z\”}”, “@version”: “1”, …

      Reply (Edit)
    • Jonas Matos June 14, 2017

      I am wondering if we are being affected by a DNS or other newtwork issues.

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    • PEEJAY_IBM June 14, 2017

      Hi Jonas, are you using https and not http to access the MQ console?
      You can also view the container logs in the advanced view (using kibana) and check for the message “connect to “https://x.x.x.x:9443/ibmmq/console/” which shows the console web server started. (x.x.x.x is replaced by the private ip address of the container)

      Reply (Edit)
  2. Rahul April 20, 2017

    Hi there,

    I understand from this tutorial that we have been able to create an instance of IIB and MQ on a bluemix container, which is up and running. The next thing I am not sure about is how do we go about developing IIB flows and deploying them on the container. Do we need to have a toolkit installed on our local machine to develop the flows, then move the flows and other components to GIT for build and deploy or we can directly run an toolkit instance from bluemix for developing and deploying flows . Do we have any tutorial for developing and deploying code on such containers ?

    Reply (Edit)
    • PEEJAY_IBM April 20, 2017

      Hi Rahul, thanks for the question. You can develop IIB flows in the IIB Toolkit which comes with the the Linux and Windows distributions, and deploy the integration artifacts remotely to the container. Simply install IIB with the toolkit on your developer workstation and start up the toolkit. You can define your Docker container IIB Node in the toolkit by right-clicking on the Integration Nodes tree (bottom left in the toolkit) and selecting ‘Connect to a remote Integration Node’. Provide the IP address of the container, the port number (in this case 4414) and the Node Name (IIBV1007 by default) and you drag and drop Applications and libraries down onto the ‘IS1’ integration Server.

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  3. Daniel Portela April 19, 2017

    Excellent. This was exactly what i was looking for. Great tutorial!
    Thanks a lot.

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  4. Prosenjit Das April 19, 2017

    This is an excellent material. Can We get a tutorial on How to deploy Sterling Integrator using Docker, Devops and IBM Bluemix Container Service

    Reply (Edit)
    • Dave_Arnold April 20, 2017

      Hi. The process would be very similar for Sterling B2Bi but you’d need to create the docker file to build the image. I have asked around the team here in Australia and at this point they are not aware of a docker image for B2Bi. Cheers

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  5. Dave_Arnold April 18, 2017

    Excellent, easy to follow materials. The tutorial worked a treat for me and makes a great demo. Cheers

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pdf file
IIBMQDockerDevOpsBluemix.pdf   2.06 MB   1 version
Uploaded - Fri July 10, 2020