How to convert legacy message maps created in WebSphere Message Broker Version 6.1/7.0 to graphical message maps in WebSphere Message Broker 8.0 and later

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Fri May 15, 2020 11:48 AM

Published on October 3, 2013 / Updated on January 30, 2018

WebSphere Message Broker Version 8 introduces graphical data maps. These replace the previous message map format, and are created as *.map files. If you migrate from an earlier version of WebSphere Message Broker Version 8, you can continue using your legacy maps. However, if you need to modify any of your legacy maps, you must convert these legacy message maps into *.map graphical data maps.

A legacy map is a message map that you created in WebSphere Message Broker Version 6.1, and WebSphere Message Broker Version 7.0 to transform messages. Legacy maps have a *.msgmap file extension.

Graphical data maps are based on XML XPath 2.0 standards, whereas message maps used a mix of ESQL and proprietary language for transforms. As the underlying logic has changed, you cannot edit message maps in WebSphere Message Broker 8.0 without converting them first, though you can still continue to deploy your current message map solutions.

To take advantage of the increased range of transforms and the drag-and-drop mapping interface of the Graphical Data Mapping editor component, you can convert message maps to graphical data maps.

There is an in-built conversion tool within the Toolkit that automatically updates your message maps – and their transforms – into valid graphical data map logic. However, some complex transforms might require some manual configuring to complete the process.

The scenario Converting a message map to a graphical data map (PDF attached) will show you how to convert a legacy message map into a *.map message map.

If you have any suggestions for other scenarios associated with the use of message maps, please let us know by adding a comment.

pdf file
Converting a message map to a graphical data map   1.02 MB   1 version
Uploaded - Fri May 15, 2020