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Get started developing an integration solution in IBM Integration Bus v10

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Tue July 14, 2020 06:07 AM

IBM Integration Bus provides a flexible environment in which you can develop integration solutions to transform, enrich, route, and process your business messages and data. You can integrate client applications that use different protocols and message formats.
An integration solution is the container for the resources that you develop to process your business messages and data.

You design and develop integration solutions in IBM Integration Toolkit.

Step 1: Choose the implementation style of your integration solution
Step 2 [Optional]: Decide whether you want to use one or more libraries as part of your solution.
Step 3: Plan the resources to implement your integration solution requirements
Step 4: Plan the message models required by your integration solution
Step 5: Plan the resources to implement the processing logic in a message flow or subflow
Step 6: Plan the error handling strategy for your integration solution
(see attached PDF for full article)


pdf file
Get started developing an integration solution in IBM Int....pdf   139 KB   1 version
Uploaded - Tue July 14, 2020