We are delighted to announce the recent release of IBM App Connect for Healthcare v5.0.0.0 which was made available for download at the end of March. IBM App Connect for Healthcare builds on IBM App Connect Enterprise to provide application integration capabilities specific for healthcare environments. It provides the following features:
- A message model that you use to parse, route, and transform HL7® messages in a message flow
- Healthcare-specific patterns that you can use to generate solutions for connecting medical applications
- Schemas for Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) R4 XML and JSON resources
- Patterns that validate and convert FHIR R4 resources, create programs that generate FHIR R4 resources, and map selected HL7 messages to FHIR R4 resources
- Integration with DICOM Picture Archiving Communication Systems (PACS) and DICOM modalities, so that you can locate, process, and transfer DICOM images by using message flows
- Generation of ATNA audit events to support patient information confidentiality, data integrity, and user accountability
- The capability to extract information from healthcare data in message flows and to send the information to data warehouses for analysis
- Conversion of HIPAA files to XML files by using the Healthcare: HIPAA to XML pattern
- Patterns to help you create integration solutions that conform to Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) PIX, PDQ, and XDS integration profiles
In the recording below we provide five demonstrations of the product’s core capabilities, focussing on the new features for HL7 and FHIR.