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Explore the new features in IBM Integration Bus version

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Mon July 13, 2020 08:31 AM

IBM Integration Bus v. introduces a host of new features and improvements which will simplify many of your integration tasks.

The new Salesforce Request node (available with the Application Integration Suite) provides the ability to interact with your account in the Cloud. Simply create, retrieve, update and delete objects so that you can easily achieve data synchronisation use cases between applications.

Since version 10 of IIB you have been able to create a REST API by importing a Swagger v2 document. With Fix Pack 4, you can now create a REST API from scratch, so if you haven’t (yet!) invested in Swagger as a meta-data format, you can still quickly expose endpoints and systems of record via HTTP / JSON inputs.

We’ve reduced complexity by making enhancements to the Graphical Data Mapper so that it’s possible to create or transform a JSON message with a data model defined in a JSON schema or Swagger document.

The introduction of the Callable Flows feature is a significant step forward, making IBM Integration Bus a truly hybrid integration solution where integration tasks can be easily split between on-premise and cloud IIB installations. For those users who are not yet ready to fully embrace the cloud, the same feature can also be used to split message flow processing between integration servers or nodes so that your solution can be easily scaled. The CallableFlowInvoke node also provides facilities for the dynamic routing of workload to different callable flows.

We’ve also responded to requests for better integration with LDAP for authenticating users before permitting them to carry out system administration tasks. With this new feature you can easily configure the web user interface to use LDAP for authenticating web users. Plus we’ve made it easy to see message flow activity in the IIB web user interface and with some new configuration options for the Global Cache, there is the potential to improve its performance using optimistic data locking.

For further details of these features and links to IBM Knowledge Center, explore the sections below:

Connectivity to Salesforce
IBM Integration Bus enables you to interact with your account in the cloud, by using a SalesforceRequest node in a message flow. You can use this capability to create, retrieve, update, and delete records in your Salesforce system directly from IBM Integration Bus.
Salesforce Overview
Enhancements to REST APIs
Use REST APIs to expose integrations as a RESTful web service that can be called by HTTP clients.
Developing Integration solutions by using REST APIs

Enhancements to Graphical Data Mapper
You can use the Graphical Data Mapping editor to create or transform a JSON message with a data model defined from a JSON schema.
Creating or transforming a JSON output message by using a JSON schema

Splitting message flow processing between different locations (Callable Flows)
You can split message flows so that you do processing in different locations. You can split your processing between different locations in IBM Integration Bus.
Callable Message Flows

LDAP Authentication
Web user accounts can be authenticated against a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) or Secure LDAP (LDAPS) server. You can authenticate web users by using the REST API, the web user interface, the IBM® Integration Toolkit, or custom integration applications that use the Integration API.
Enabling an Integration Node to use LDAP for Integration

View message flow activity log in the web user interface
You can view Activity log information for a message flow by using the web user interface.
Viewing activity logs for message flows

Optimization of global cache
You can configure your embedded global cache to use different locking strategies for different cached maps, and you can configure the use of replica shards of a cache map for read access.
Optimizing the embedded global cache for use with different types of cache data

Implementing a REST API Operation using message maps
You can create a message map that implements a REST API operation, by using the new option Message map with the input and output for the REST API operation operation-name. When you select this option, the map is fully populated with REST API parameters and request/response models.
Implementing a REST API Operation by using a message map

3 comments on"Explore the new features in IBM Integration Bus version"

  1. Vesa April 22, 2016

    Thanks for the great blog!

    I missed especially those REST API fixes. Do you know when developer edition with fixpack 4 features will be published? As Toolkit & IB runtime are now bundled into same package and there is no ‘developer’-mode for runtime.

    Reply (Edit)
    • Ian_Larner April 22, 2016

      IBM Integration Bus for Developers is available at level: (1.18GB) (1.28GB)

      Reply (Edit)
      • Vesa April 22, 2016


        Thanks a lot Ian!

        Reply (Edit)
