Enhancing Kafka deployments with event processing & event endpoint management capabilities webinar

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Wed March 20, 2024 02:54 PM

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Join us for this interactive session with Alan Chatt, Product Manager for Event Driven Integration. Learn how to maximize the value of your Kafka deployments through event processing and event endpoint management capabilities, and the innovation that IBM is driving on Apache Kafka and Apache Flink to provide a complete and composable set of capabilities for building event-driven architectures. 

  • Learn how you can enhance your Kafka deployments with capabilities for event management and event processing.
  • Understand how developers using Flink can become more productive, and a broader range of users can be empowered to work with your business events.
  • See IBM Event Automation in action with IBM's event-driven architecture experts.

Key speakers

Alan Chatt, Product Management for Event-Driven Integration Software

Alan has worked on IBM’s Messaging and Integration portfolio for 19 years and is part of the product management team for IBM’s Event Integration capabilities. Having completed his Software Engineering degree at Southampton university in 2005, he joined IBM’s UK development facility in Hursley, UK, where he spent time working in a range of test and development roles, helping some of MQ’s largest users get the most out of IBM’s messaging technology. Since taking his current role in the product management team he has focused on how to bring IBM’s years of integration and automation experience to companies building modern, event-driven experiences on premise and in the Cloud.

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