In, there is now an option to create and start an independent Integration Server from the toolkit. The Integration Explorer view in the toolkit now has an option for creating an independent Integration Server. You can right-click on ‘Integration Servers’ and select ‘Create a local Integration Server’
A wizard will be shown which allows you to specify a name for the Integration Server and configure some ports for commonly used functions. The default name for the Integration Server is TEST_SERVER. If you wish, you may allow the toolkit to find ports that are currently free. This allows you to quickly deploy and test your message flows using a local Integration Server.
- The REST Administration port must be configured so that REST requests can be sent to the Integration Server over HTTP. This port is also used for the Web UI.
- The port for HTTP-based flows is used after the flow has been deployed. The toolkit will only select a port that is currently free at the time when the Integration Server is started. If the port is in use at the time that the flow is deployed, then the flow will not start.
- The JVM debug port is used for debugging message flows. If you do not want to enable the JVM debug port, you can specify zero.
After clicking on ‘Finish’, the server is started and a link is provided to open the ‘console.log’ file which contains the standard out from the Integration Server. The ‘console.log’ is contained in the work directory top level folder.
You may need to change the ports if they are in use when you start the Integration Server. You can change the ports at a later time in the overrides/server.conf.yaml file. If the overrides/server.conf.yaml file is changed, the Integration will need to be stopped and started again.
The work directory is created in the workspace. It can be viewed under ‘Independent Resources’. The work directory name has the same name as the Integration Server.
The port values are written to a server.conf.yaml file in the overrides sub-folder under the work directory. We recommend that any other configuration that is needed is done to the server.conf.yaml file in the overrides sub-folder for clarity.
The console.log can be opened to view output from the Integration Server. If you have a Java Compute node which has debug output using ‘System.out.println’, the output will be visible in console.log.
BIP event messages can be viewed in
/TEST_SERVER/log/ in the workspace.
You can start multiple Integration Servers from the toolkit. Each Integration Server must have a unique name and a matching work directory in the workspace. If you attempt to create an Integration Server of the same name, an error will be shown.
If an Integration Server is stopped and the connection is removed, the work directory is not removed. You can create an Integration Server which is using an existing work directory in the workspace if it is not in use. A warning message is shown to indicate that the configuration in the existing work directory will be used.
The toolkit does not do full process management for the locally started Integration Server. If the toolkit is closed, the locally started Integration Server is stopped. However, if the toolkit closes unexpectedly, then the Integration Server may not be stopped. You must take care to stop the Integration Server using OS process management tools if this happens.
An Integration Server is not automatically started when the toolkit is started. It must be manually started. The stop and start menu options for an Integration Server are only available if it was started from the toolkit. If it was started remotely, and a connection was made to it from the toolkit, there is no option to start or stop that Integration Server.