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Products versions - webMethods Integration Server version: 10.5 and above
Swagger is the base for consumption at webMethods application for generating the REST Connectors using Consumer REST API Descriptor (RAD).
In case, Provider wants their Consumers to authenticate using specific authentication type ( for e.g. OAUTH2 ) and if the relevant configuration is not available in swagger, please follow the below steps to update swagger and consume it to display/populate the additional authentication type in REST Consumer Connectors.
Provider needs to support the needed (for e.g. OAUTH2) Authentication Mechanism
Below is the sample configuration in swagger that supports only APIKey
when consumed using REST API Descriptor Element → consumer , it appears as below
Please refer below configuration in swagger for adding the additional security configuration ( for e.g. OAUTH2 )
After updating swagger with the above configuration and consumed, additional authentication type (for e.g. OAUTH2) will appear in the REST Connector as below