Peter Broadhurst
Published on January 9, 2014 / Updated on December 8, 2015
If you are considering converting from WebSphere ESB to IBM Integration Bus, then one of the most important technical planning steps is to consider the runtime architecture and topology.
Maybe you have already taken a look at the conversion tool provided in IBM Integration Bus to accelerate conversion of WebSphere ESB development artifacts, and are beginning to think about your development approach.
Your topology planning should go hand in hand with your development planning, to ensure you choose the right components and functions of IBM Integration Bus to meet your non-functional requirements such as:
- High availability
- Capacity and scale
- Endpoint support (HTTP, MQ, JMS etc.)
- Monitoring and Audit
- State access and storage (transient and long-term)
With this in mind, we have just created a new section on the wiki dedicated to helping you map WebSphere ESB topology constructs, such as cells, clusters and servers, to IBM Integration Bus topology constructs such as integration nodes, and integration servers.
Rather than taking a one-size-fits-all approach, we want you to understand the range of features available in IBM Integration Bus, and look for opportunities to exploit these to improve your integrations as you convert from WebSphere ESB.
So please take a look at the initial articles, add your comments for an interactive discussion, and watch this space for more articles to come.
WebSphere ESB to IBM Integration Bus Topology Conversion wiki section