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Agile integration architecture: Useful links

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Fri July 10, 2020 08:37 AM

We have posted a lot about agile integration over the years. It refers to the use of techniques from microservices application architecture within the integration space to create more componentized and decoupled topologies. This offers potential gains in agility of delivery, more elastic scalability and greater resilience of individual integrations. Note that in the past we have also called this “lightweight integration”, but over time agile integration architecture has become a more accepted term.

Back in 2015 we introduced production support for Docker to IBM Integration Bus. In parallel we used that capability to create our managed service IBM Integration Bus on Cloud – an elastically scalable subscription based platform. We have since created a growing amount of material, and product enhancements exploring aspects such as containerization through Docker and workload orchestration through Kubernetes.

This post collates the most recent and relevant resources in this space and will be updated as we create new material
