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IBM TechXchange Dev Day: Virtual Agents
Join us 23 January from 11 AM - 6 PM ET as over 30 speakers from IBM and key AI industry leaders discuss the latest AI trends.
*products versions - (webMethods Integration Server version: 10.3 and above) Introduction: webMethods Integration Server supports OAuth 2.0 in Email Listener from 10.3 onwards. Since with Microsoft announcement related to disabling of Basic Authentication for Outlook, EWS, RPS, POP, IMAP...
Summary This article describes how to configure an OAuth app (3LO) in Jira App management, token generation and configuring an account in workflow Prerequisites User must have a Jira Instance and an account created in that instance. Working tenant. ...
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As of the April 2021 release of Integration, you can protect integration services and REST APIs in Integration using the OAuth 2.0 protocol. In OAuth 2.0, the client obtains an access token issued by an authorization server on approval of the resource owner. The...
Concepts Typically, applications access Microsoft Exchange Server with basic authentication, which relies on sending usernames and passwords that are often saved on the device, increasing the risk of attackers capturing users’ credentials. Due to such security risks, Microsoft has announced...
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APIConnect & Gateways provide out of the box support to integrate with third party OAuth and OpenID Connect providers. This article outlines some of the best practices in such integration, in light of some of the recent attacks on third party providers (TPPs) and theft of TPP issued access...
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