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While staying far away from USA political discussions, I thought the next paper we should publish should address API use cases in the Healthcare and Life Sciences industries. One of the most common discussions I have with any business is about API use cases related to industry specific...
Are APIs a legal requirement in your industry today? The answer for now is “no”. But don’t relax thinking you do not need to act, this answer will very quickly be changing to “yes”. It is already starting in some industries and geographies and more will follow. APIs being a simple and secure...
What is the most common question I am asked about APIs? The answer is, “can you give me an example in my industry?” About 15 months ago I started writing a series of blogs giving API examples for every industry. First I introduced a way to structure the discussion in a blog called, “...
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Cities are competing to attract new residents, businesses and visitors and of course keep the residents and businesses that are already there. As we have previously discussed in “ Government APIs – Do more with less ”, resources and budgets are tight. So, cities need to use new techniques to...
Life Sciences is an industry undergoing significant change. Over 30% of the top pharmaceutical companies from a decade ago have undergone a merger or been acquired. New companies from other industries are entering the field. The need for speed to adjust to market changes is critical. Focus on...
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Last time I talked about the cold (weather and the Utility industry), this time I’ll talk about the Flu. A while ago I covered Healthcare payers , but now we are in the middle of winter here in the north and it’s time to cover the other side of Healthcare – Providers. Health providers need...
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Healthcare is undergoing significant change at a rapid pace. The need for speed to meet changing requirements and new opportunities can be aided through the use of Web APIs. Let’s take a look at Healthcare and the API Economy, once again using the structure I introduced a few weeks ago ( here )....
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