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Product versions - (Software AG Cloud: and Azure AD Free.) Introduction Setting up SSO in the Software AG Cloud (SAG Cloud) with Azure Active Directory (AAD) as the IDP is a process that requires some setup in both environments. It requires information from both...
Intent Develop a simple, standalone webMethods Integration Server (IS) service that uses the Azure Java API to upload data to Microsoft Azure Blob Storage. This should work for IS version 10.1 and above. Overview See discussion here , where this approach was formulated. Alternatives...
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Overview webMethods developer portal is simplified and lean architecture that is easier to run and requires less resources It is headless, pluggable, and extensible in nature. There’s an API for everything, customers will be able to use the Developer Portal or build their own UI for...
This post provides brief steps, on how to launch a UM 10.5 server as a container on Azure cloud env using Azure Kubernetes Services. I have also provided some sample commands / k8s YAML files, which can help you start and get running quickly. This article presumes, that you have some knowledge...
This article provides the steps for achieving automated provisioning of an Azure VM, Install and Configure webMethods Integration Server using Azure DevOps, Command Central, Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates and YAML templates. The high-level steps are given below Provision Azure VM...
This article provides a basic setup of Appmesh on Azure Kubernetes using the API Gateway & Micro Gateway trial images available for public use on docker hub. It provides steps to setup AKS, install Istio service mesh on AKS and then finally configure Appmesh. Prerequisites Basic...