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 BIP3944E Failed to generate the map for mapping due to issue with same element and attribute name

Tomáš Matúšek's profile image
Tomáš Matúšek posted Wed February 12, 2025 08:04 AM

Hi everyone,

We are encountering an issue when implementing a mapping from JSON to XML using IBM App Connect Enterprise (ACE) Version The following error is raised during the mapping process:

Failed to generate the map for mapping routine '{default}:MappingTest_XmlToJson_MutlipleIds_Mapping', with the following details: Location: '' Internal Error Number: 'RuntimeException' Error Message: 'Unable to merge SchemaLookupTables because they are not the same type. this:SchemaLookupTable[,integer] toMerge:SchemaLookupTable[,string]'.

Description of the Issue:

It appears that the root <MyElement> element has an attribute named id and a child element also named ID. These two identifiers are causing a conflict because:

The id attribute is of type string.
The ID child element is of type integer.
It seems that IBM ACE is treating these as conflicting schemas and failing to distinguish between the two, resulting in the above error.

Request for Guidance:

We would appreciate your help in understanding:

- Whether this behavior is a bug in IBM ACE or if we are doing something wrong in our schema or mapping design.

- If this is a known issue, are there any suggested workarounds or best practices to avoid such conflicts?

I have attached a screen shots of simple application to demonstrate the issue. I am also attaching sample of XSD and JSON used for mapping.

Any advices are welcome, Thanks ! 

Janak i2s's profile image
Janak i2s

good to  Open support case with IBM support.  as this like similer to known APAR on  IIB  version, not sure some mapping validation pre-request or code defect -