In service designer, we have an option run integration service as a micro service (wM11\wMServiceDesigner\IntegrationServer\bin) and connect with designer11. - this might be helpful if you are trying to evaluate the product.
Developer EDI
Original Message:
Sent: Thu January 30, 2025 11:19 AM
From: Holm Steinland
Subject: Where can I download IBM webMethods Installer?
Hi @engin sarlak,
in order to access the 11.1 installer you need to have a valid contract covering 11.1 release with IBM. Else the installer for your existing products like 10.15 world is still the one from Empower.
When such contract exists please follow the mentioned process (see your screenshot) for help. Else contact the sales team. 😊
If you want to have a look into 11.1 world you can consider the "Service Designer" that you get here: LINK
Holm Steinland
webmethods - New Product Introduction
Original Message:
Sent: Thu January 30, 2025 11:11 AM
From: engin sarlak
Subject: Where can I download IBM webMethods Installer?

This is definitely super challenging. I have been trying to find our site number and now that I found it, the website tells me its inactive and it doesn't even tell me what the new website is. There should be an easier way to get access. Can't I just use my company mail to subscribe somewhere?
engin sarlak
Original Message:
Sent: Fri November 22, 2024 03:24 AM
From: Veselin Aleksandrov
Subject: Where can I download IBM webMethods Installer?
Hello Engin Sarlak,
IBM delivery for customers is streamlined via Passport Advantage : Passport Advantage Online for Customers
You must have active entitlement / contract for the IBM WebMethods v11 suite, this will give you access to the latest IBM branded Installer and instructions how to authenticate with your IBMid e-mail address.
From that point on, the experience is the same as withe the previous versions.
Veselin Aleksandrov
Original Message:
Sent: Thu November 21, 2024 12:09 PM
From: engin sarlak
Subject: Where can I download IBM webMethods Installer?
I couldn't find any links to the new installer. By the look of it SoftwareAGInstaller doesn't support webMethods anymore. New documents about v11.0 refers to IBM webMethods Installer, but doesn't tell (or I didn't see where it was) how it is supposed to be downloaded. I am new to IBM tech stack, so I have no clue on how to download IBM products. This is really confusing.
engin sarlak