"The current CPU increased by 30%" - well then something changed.
Where is this CPU number coming from? Typically we only see jumps of that much under a few scenarios:
1) The most common by a very large margin- when customer starts letting poorly behaved client applications connect directly to z/OS queue managers or queue sharing groups and the CPU usage in the channel initiator address space begins to skyrocket. If all MQ processes are getting lumped into one CPU number, split them out and see if it is actually clients connecting. Review the CHIN JES log for client connect and disconnect messages if they have not been suppressed. Turn on class(4) accounting to see what channels are active.
2) When monitoring tools have been changed or turned on and the measurements are no longer being based on the same fields. Often the allocation of system overhead can be skewed towards some processes, and it may change when the tool is changed. And yes, we have seen incidents of monitoring tools 'taking over' when lots of people are watching and refreshing their view. In one outstanding case we found that 94% of the tasks executed during the critical window were monitoring tasks.
3) The application has made significant changes that do not require MQ Administration changes.
4) The infrastructure changed in an area that everyone assumed would not impact the z/OS queue managers, but did. This can include things like hardware moves or replacements (DASD, Coupling Facility, etc.). We have seen some truly startling increases in CPU when a CF was moved or when someone turned on system managed duplexing - things that the MQ admins were not aware of.
5) Has the workload pattern changed? If it was distributed fairly evenly across the day and is now being sent in batches, the costs of starting up 30 instances in 1 second can be higher than starting 1 instance every second for 30 seconds.
6) Has the CPU usage been 'creeping up' over time and has just now been noticed?
good luck
Lyn Elkins
Avon, IN
Original Message:
Sent: Fri February 16, 2024 02:25 AM
From: Lakshmi Narasimha Rao Veguru
Subject: Trigger Monitor task for Z/os
Hello Elkins,
Thank you so much for your reply.
The current CPU increased 30% and no changes from infra side.
MQ is running with 9.3 version.
We have verified the number of jobs per month and it's around 282297 jobs through trigger monitor.
The trigger interval defined at queue managers in 1 min and many of the queues are having trigger type as Every.
The current trigger monitor task using MA95.
Lakshmi Narasimha Rao Veguru
Original Message:
Sent: Thu February 15, 2024 10:02 AM
From: Carolyn Elkins
Subject: Trigger Monitor task for Z/os
First questions - what has changed? Typically these tasks are lightweight because they do not process the messages from the queue, but only the trigger message to get the task started. Is the reason for the rise in CPU because it is triggered much more often for some reason? Was the trigger interval on the queue manager altered recently? Have there been an upgrade to hardware or software recently?
Second question: What trigger are the queues using, first, every or depth?
Third question: How are you measuring the CPU use?
Fourth question: Is there a poison message getting onto the INTQ or the triggered queue and getting rolled back a lot? Browse the initq to see if there is something that cannot be processed. Do the same for the 'base' queue.
Fifth question: Is the triggered queue defined to harden the backout counter? If not, please turn that on.
Hope this helps
Lyn Elkins
Avon, IN
Original Message:
Sent: Wed February 14, 2024 03:01 AM
From: Radha krishna Reddy Gundreddy
Subject: Trigger Monitor task for Z/os
yes, we have the same issues. With the trigger monitor task as well can anyone suggest on this
Radha krishna Reddy Gundreddy
Original Message:
Sent: Tue February 13, 2024 10:31 AM
From: Lakshmi Narasimha Rao Veguru
Subject: Trigger Monitor task for Z/os
In our infrastructure we are using batch trigger monitor for batch jobs which is configured based on MA95 support pac.
Recently we are getting lot of CPU usage issues for trigger monitor.
what is the best solution and recommended for MQ trigger monitor task in Z/OS?
Lakshmi Narasimha Rao Veguru