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To group output from applinx, convert XML to JSON

  • 1.  To group output from applinx, convert XML to JSON

    Posted Wed April 10, 2024 05:28 PM

    I am using applinx 1015 and able to create 1 path procedure in 1 procedure group.
    And using screens I am assigning field mapping, for input and output.
    after assigning all required outputs I am receiving like this

    <tns:test_1_Response xmlns:tns=“http:”>

    But this is what i require

    <tns:test_1_Response xmlns:tns=“http:”>

    How can i group the output for easy human reading (can i use ‘add structure’ or ‘new data structure’ for it) ?
    How can i change the XML to JSON (I am able to do it with a python/c# code, but would like to do it in applinx)? tried rest-API-config to modify, but couldn’t understand what is need to change to convert XML to JSON
    and what is tns ?


  • 2.  RE: To group output from applinx, convert XML to JSON

    Posted Thu April 11, 2024 03:53 AM


    You can create a path procedure with a data structure (“Person”) as the output, then map values into the data structure and expose the procedure as REST API that would return the output as a JSON file, without the need to convert from XML to JSON.



  • 3.  RE: To group output from applinx, convert XML to JSON

    Posted Thu April 11, 2024 10:15 AM

    Hello Gadi,
    Thanks for the reply.

    I am able to solve one issue, I am now getting response the way I want, able to group output using data structure.

    But I am unable to find the option where the REST API response is JSON, I have created a new Path Procedure and procedure group and copy REST URL to clipboard and check to see output in XML only.
    I kind of did the same steps again but could not see a difference that gets response in JSON.

    Please note that I am using Microsoft Edge to check the REST API output

    Can you please point me to the place where I can see the option, that makes difference in REST API response from XML to JSON.

    How to expose procedure as REST API that can return the output as JSON ?

    I am able to expose procedure as rest API that can return the output as XML.
