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Sync Transform after modifying target database

  • 1.  Sync Transform after modifying target database

    Posted Tue March 26, 2024 10:51 AM

    Using ConnX web interface, create a .cdd file, connected mainframe and SQL server native client server. These server have 2 databases and trying to sync tables from IDMS mainframe to SQL server.

    Successfully created transformation and sync the tables.

    database_1a.dbo.table_1a > database_2a.dbo.table_2a

    After sync, I have updated the target source (SQL server), modified cells in target table. And tried to sync transform again (note: while suyncing, used select existing table and selected the same table database_1a.dbo.table_1a > database_2a.dbo.table_2a).

    But receive and error while preforming sync after mofdification -
    Unable to PassPrepare. >>> STAT:2 ERR:0 SQLSTATE:S1000 problems with IColumnsInfo → GetColumnsInfo()STAT:2 ERR:-2147217900 SQLSTATE:S1000 Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0 : Deferred prepare could not be completed.STAT:2 ERR:-2147217900 SQLSTATE:S1000 Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0 : Communication link failure (transform_error)

    How to resolve this issue.

    What I am trying to achieve is, once the sync is made, modified in target database, and synced again with source, I want new rows to be added, as there is modified rows different from source.


  • 2.  RE: Sync Transform after modifying target database

    Posted Tue March 26, 2024 11:07 AM

    Please kindly open a support ticket for this resolution of this issue.
