Hi Team,
I am facing some issues while doing SSL configuration in ACE v11.
Using a self signed certificate I was able to test a dummy API which returns a status as SUCCESS.
However if I enable EnableTLSTrace to true in server.conf.yaml file(under HTTPSConnector), the same API throws error and return
Error: read ECONNRESET when tested from postman.
In the integration server console.txt file I can see the below error is reported. The same API is not working when the trace is enabled. So can someone please explain what might be the reason here and what does this error means:
..U....WB1.0...U | PARSE ABORTED! An error occurred during parsing at offset 0x0000000a:
2020-08-25 16:01:08.048814 9892 SENT --> | 00000050: 0407 1307 4b4f 4c4b 4154 4131 0c30 0a06 ....KOL1.0.. |
Message: OpenSSL failed to parse the ASN.1 encoded certificate into a valid X509 certificateI am currently testing with only one way SSL and trying to understand the behavior.
Below command is used to generate a self signed cert:
keytool -genkey -alias mydomain -keyalg RSA -keystore keystore.jks -keysize 2048
Prosanta Saha