Could you help in this .
Original Message:
Sent: Mon May 29, 2023 03:46 PM
From: mayur gharat
Subject: Send multipart/form-data As image File to Backend
HI , can anyone help me on this .
mayur gharat
Original Message:
Sent: Sat May 27, 2023 06:01 AM
From: mayur gharat
Subject: Send multipart/form-data As image File to Backend
I have an requirement to send the base64 encoded image content to backend as form-Data content.
I have GS , which converting the data and sending to backend but we are getting error from backend as inavalid image also
as i have observe that in content , having some junk data in GS output .
I have GS file attached ,Can you please help me on this.
Also i have attached a part of data which working with pass through service and whicj is not working with GS .
mayur gharat