Any insights or thoughts on this SAP adapter message: “Confirm action for nonexisting Transaction TID…”?
In the example below, 40 seconds before an IDoc comes into webMethods, the SAP adapter complains about the TID that will be used: "Confirm action for nonexisting Transaction TID…”
2021-07-26 20:34:42 AEST [SAP.0110.0039W] Confirm action for nonexisting Transaction TID "0AD21E0E51FA60FE8F83004E"
2021-07-26 20:35:18 AEST [SAP.0110.0002I] Listener - Create 0AD21E0E51FA60FE8F83004E
2021-07-26 20:35:18 AEST [SAP.0110.0009I] Inbound tRfc: Execute 0AD21E0E51FA60FE8F83004E, IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS from ISECP
2021-07-26 20:35:19 AEST [SAP.0110.0003I] Listener - Commit 0AD21E0E51FA60FE8F83004E
2021-07-26 20:35:20 AEST [SAP.0110.0005I] Listener - Confirm 0AD21E0E51FA60FE8F83004E
Back in 2011, I posted this issue on errors associated with ‘missing IDocs’ – IDocs outbound from SAP that didn’t seem to reach the webMethods SAP adapter. I never technically solved the issue.
A decade later, this message is much more common in logs (though it is no longer associated with missing IDocs). The difference then and now is we now use a custom ‘TID Tracking Database’ to track TID values in IDoc delivery to SAP systems (to support the requirment that IDoc delivery retries must reuse an original TID value). Later, a scheduler uses ‘’ to deletes TIDs in the database that are more than 24 hours old. But the errors above are for IDocs inbound to webMethods (which the database does not track).
I suppose it is the SAP system that has attempted to confirm a TID for documents it later sends out … but that’s just me guessing.
Any thoughts on this? This is not a serious problem. I just thought to close the loop as the other thread is closed.