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  • 1.  Running Standalone Integration server as a Linux service or as a task/background task

    Posted Tue April 23, 2024 08:51 AM

    Hi All,

    ACE Version and Redhat Linux.

    I have a standalone Integration Server created and I can start if fine on Linux.

    I want to run the this standalone IS as a service or as a task.

    as it is now , when I start it with IntegrationServer command, it does not run as a task under Linux.

    How would I do this?


    Emile Kearns

  • 2.  RE: Running Standalone Integration server as a Linux service or as a task/background task

    Posted Tue April 23, 2024 11:19 AM

    Hi Emile, 

    Standalone integration servers are intended to be run in containers where their lifespan matches that of the container they are running in ... which would typically occur in a system such as Kubernetes / OpenShift where an operator is then available to manage the containers. If this is not the case, and you are intending to just run the product outside of containers in a standard on-metal install, then you should utilise an integration node owned server (it is the purpose of the node process to "look after" the integration servers from the admin and health standpoint).



    Ben Thompson
    IBM UK

  • 3.  RE: Running Standalone Integration server as a Linux service or as a task/background task

    Posted Wed April 24, 2024 07:07 AM

    Thanks Ben, much appreciated.

    Just a side question, if we use the OS function, like in Linux, running it with & to indicate it is to run as a back ground task, would that suffice?

    Emile Kearns

  • 4.  RE: Running Standalone Integration server as a Linux service or as a task/background task

    Posted Fri April 26, 2024 02:31 PM

    Your user id that is starting the Integration Node needs to execute mqsiprofile in the /opt/IBM/ace-{version}/server/bin/mqsiprofile.

    Usually best to have a service id created you can sudo to then you can modify its .bash_profile to execute the mqsiprofile and setup the ODBCINI and ODBCINST environment variables if your using native ODBC database access to your databasses.

    When you issue the mqsistart INODE-Name

    it will run in background automatically. 

    You use mqsistop to stop it.  See mqsi commands for more info.

    Robert Rehms

  • 5.  RE: Running Standalone Integration server as a Linux service or as a task/background task

    Posted Thu May 02, 2024 03:47 PM

    We run multiple Independent Integration Server successfully like this on a Linux box:

    $ cat /etc/systemd/system/ace\@.service
    Description=IBM App Connect Enterprise - Independent Integration Server %I
    ExecStart=/bin/bash -c '\
      source /opt/IBM/mqsi/${ACE_VERSION}/server/bin/mqsiprofile && \
      exec IntegrationServer --name %I --work-dir /var/ace/%I'
    # ACE exits with return code 0 when Default Remote Queue Manager can not be
    # reached. This is why we have to set 'always'.

    Daniel Steinmann

  • 6.  RE: Running Standalone Integration server as a Linux service or as a task/background task

    Posted Fri May 03, 2024 10:14 AM

    Thanks, we will try this. In the meantime, we created an INode

    Emile Kearns