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  • 1.  resaon Code 2012

    Posted Wed May 22, 2024 04:40 AM
    An error of easonCode2012 is occurring.
    What is the cause of this error?
    Connect using server connection channel with IBM MQ with below settings
    *Local connection from MQ server using server connection channel
    ・export LD_LIBARY_PATH=/opt/mqm/mqcl/lib64
    → Store MQ client library separately (amqscputc uses C language dynamic library)
    ・Local connection from MQ server using server connection channel
    ・Export MQSEREVR =QEACLINT1/tcp/localhost(1414)
    *CHLAUTH is QMGR and set to DISABLED, so there are no channel access restrictions.
    ./amqscputc QUE QMGR
    MQCCONX ended With 2012
    Added: I had similar results with the default server connection channel (SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN).

    トシミ クロサワ

  • 2.  RE: resaon Code 2012

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed May 22, 2024 06:53 AM

    There is a long list of possible reasons for MQRC_ENVIRONMENT_ERROR (2012) on this page in IBM Docs for MQ.

    Reviewing that list knowing that you are using amqsputc - a C language program - and all we know about what it is coded to do; and that you are on Linux (a guess from the use of LD_LIBRARY_PATH, the /opt/mqm path and exporting your environment variables); and that you are making a client connection, then I think the following possibilities from the list on that page are the most likely:

    • The application is linked to unsupported libraries.
    • The application is linked to the wrong libraries (threaded or nonthreaded)
    • An MQ client application that has been configured to use automatic reconnection attempted to connect using a channel defined with SHARECNV(0).

    Hope that helps. Please come back with more details and we can help you further.


    Morag Hughson
    MQ Technical Education Specialist
    MQGem Software Limited

  • 3.  RE: resaon Code 2012

    Posted Thu May 23, 2024 08:55 PM
    As a result of configuring the library path with two paths, the server path /opt/mqm/lib64 and the client path, the problem in 2012 was resolved. Since I used the LIB used on the app side, I will try to install it correctly again.
    Thank you for your support.

    トシミ クロサワ