Integration Server 10.11 - Deployer
Good morning, I encountered an issue while using a local instance of the Integration Server, while trying to perform a deploy using the Deployer.
The remote aliases I have are the local instance itself and another one connected through another port.
When going into the Deployer I created a Repository since I need to do a Repository-based project, I created also a Project, a Set and also created a Map. Then I tried to do the mapping onto the target servers.
I’ve seen other Deployers and at this point I should find a screen like in the higher part of the picture, with a menu where I can choose IS&TN and then select the remote servers.
Instead the screen that comes up is the one in the second half of the picture, where I can’t choose them and I get basically a blank screen (clicking on the menu just shows an empty menu), even though the servers in the Servers->IS&TN tab are correctly installed and the WmDeployerResource has also been installed.
Is this an occurring issue? Does anyone know how I can solve it?