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  • 1.  Prevent Console from recording healthcheck transfers

    Posted 19 hours ago

    We are using Console to monitor a cluster of transfer servers running in a containerized environment. Since we have a lot of HSTS containers, each running its HealthCheck every 3 minutes, Console is getting filled up with these HealthCheck transfers. Is there a way to prevent Console from recording these to give a more meaningful reporting of "real" transfers within the clusters?

    Sumit Bhattacharjee

  • 2.  RE: Prevent Console from recording healthcheck transfers

    Posted 9 hours ago

    Hi Sumit,

    Typically, healthcheck transfers would transfer a zero-byte file, it's sufficient to validate connectivity.

    If it's the case, console has a feature to delete zero-byte transfers so that they don't appear :

    Configuration -> Defaults -> Empty Sessions -> Delete all

    Laurent Martin