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  • 1.  Major Errorcode :- xecI_S_NOT_AUTHORIZED

    Posted 17 days ago

    Hi Team,

    We are trying to connect Queue manager with utility/support pack  'q' to perform some message related operations but ended with below error and FDC. I have replaced xxxx with actual user ID in .FDC Comment1 and Comment2. Please check and guide on finding RCA. Even getting this error for mqm user.

    Operation trying to perform:-

    /var/mqm/util/q -i Q_LOCAL -m QM1
    MQSeries Q Program by Paul Clarke [ V6.0.0 Build:Jun 12 2012 ]
    Connecting ...failed.
    MQCONN on object 'QM1' returned 2035 Not authorized.


    | Probe Id          :- XY051170                                               |
    | Application Name  :- MQM                                                    |
    | Component         :- InitPrivateServices                                    |
    | SCCS Info         :-                                                        |
    |   /build/jslot1/p920_P/src/lib/cs/unix/generic/amqxiinx.c,                  |
    | Line Number       :- 2607                                                   |
    | Build Date        :- Apr 21 2023                                            |
    | Build Level       :- p920-011-230421                                        |
    | Build Type        :- IKAP - (Production)                                    |
    | Effective UserID  :- 0 ()                                                   |
    | Real UserID       :- 0 ()                                                   |
    | Program Name      :- q                                                      |
    | Arguments         :-                                                        |
    | Addressing mode   :- 32-bit                                                 |
    | LANG              :-                                                        |
    | Process           :- 389736                                                 |
    | Process(Thread)   :- 389736                                                 |
    | Thread            :- 1                                                      |
    | SubpoolName       :- DACQ0FDA03                                             |
    | UserApp           :- TRUE                                                   |
    | Last HQC          :- 0.0.0-0                                                |
    | Last HSHMEMB      :- 0.0.0-0                                                |
    | Last ObjectName   :-                                                        |
    | Major Errorcode   :- xecI_S_NOT_AUTHORIZED                                  |

     Probe Description :- AMQ6125E: An internal IBM MQ error has occurred.       |
    | FDCSequenceNumber :- 0                                                      |
    | Comment1          :- xcsGetpwuid failed to get password entry for process   |
    |   with real uid xxxx.                                                      |
    | Comment2          :- Details: getuid() returned xxxxx; getpwuid_r(xxxx)    |
    |   failed with errno=0.                                                      |
    | Comment3          :- A user name of "UNKNOWN" will be used, which will      |
    |   likely cause later authorisation failures. Note this FFST can be turned   |
    |   off by exporting env var AMQ_NOFFST_PROCESS_UID.                          |


    Murali                                                          |

    Murali Golla

  • 2.  RE: Major Errorcode :- xecI_S_NOT_AUTHORIZED

    IBM Champion
    Posted 17 days ago

    Obviously you failed the Username / Password test !!

    Have you thought about using a CCDT and mqccred security exit to provide those?

    Francois Brandelik

  • 3.  RE: Major Errorcode :- xecI_S_NOT_AUTHORIZED

    IBM Champion
    Posted 17 days ago

    Is it expected that the user ID you are using does not have a password and would fail the getpwuid call?


    Morag Hughson
    MQ Technical Education Specialist
    MQGem Software Limited

  • 4.  RE: Major Errorcode :- xecI_S_NOT_AUTHORIZED

    Posted 17 days ago

    mqm is configured with LDAP and it has password we are able to do all other operations but not "q" utility operations.

    Murali Golla

  • 5.  RE: Major Errorcode :- xecI_S_NOT_AUTHORIZED

    IBM Champion
    Posted 17 days ago

    If you run amqsput it works?

    You blanked out the returned uid so we can't see what it is - does it match the uid for mqm on your machine. I have seen this error happen when mqm uid has been changed? Can you check that all is consistent?


    Morag Hughson
    MQ Technical Education Specialist
    MQGem Software Limited