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Issue in MQ .NET6 client libraries and mqclient.ini ReconDelay

  • 1.  Issue in MQ .NET6 client libraries and mqclient.ini ReconDelay

    Posted 26 days ago


    The documentation for the ReconDelay setting in mqclient.ini shows sample values like:


    So, I tried this and was hoping for automatic client re-connect. However, that setting throws an exception:

    System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
       at System.Number.ThrowOverflowOrFormatException(ParsingStatus status, TypeCode type)
       at IBM.WMQ.Nmqi.MQManagedReconnectableThread.BuildReconnectionTimes()

    I was able to decompile the IBM code and found that instead of using '(' and ')' as delimiters, the code is trying to parse the ReconDelay setting on '[' and ']' delimiters.

    Forgive me for being new to the community, this begs several questions:

    1) How would I report this issue/bug to IBM?

    2) I have changed mqclient.ini to use '[' and ']' delimiters. I support several MQ applications and the change control process is very tedious at my workplace. Is IBM going to 'fix' the issue in the .NET client libraries and break these applications? The reconnection feature is not something that would normally be tested.

    3) Why does the client library throw exceptions all the way up the stack? Shouldn't a misconfiguration just fall back on default values?

    Thank you for any comments in reply.

    Michael Finn