Interesting home: D:\Games
Two separate problems. The first one happens when you try to register a windows daemon/service with the same name as others already exist.
The other is about the fact that IS is down.
Some of the webMethods components can only be patched, installed and configured while they are down. Some other changes can only be made when they are UP.
This is what the error is complaining about, the IS did not come up within the given timeouts and therefore the template finally failed.
It would be good to see IS server.log and wrapper.log to see if SPM even tried to start the same or check further SPM logs of the target to see what it failed.
For the service registration I would guess this is because there is already another installation on the same host. You can use the windows “sc query” command to search.(or task manager “services” menu).
C:\Users\WDAGUtilityAccount>sc query state=all | find /I “Software AG”
DISPLAY_NAME: Software AG Platform Manager 10.7
DISPLAY_NAME: Software AG Integration Server 10.7 (default)
Usually when doing an second setup windows should automatically extend the installation names with an (2), (3) etc. as well as the services internal names.
Not sure at this point why this might fail in your case - would need more logs.
If you like to manually try to register the services you find the right file in your “profiles” Folder like in your case:
you have to start: service.bat -install
Ideally you then see in the wrapper log entries like:
STATUS | wrapperm | 2021/06/15 15:33:52 | Base configuration file is D:\SoftwareAG107\profiles\SPM\configuration\wrapper.conf
STATUS | wrapperm | 2021/06/15 15:33:52 | Found #include file in D:\SoftwareAG107\profiles\SPM\configuration\wrapper.conf: %OSGI_INSTALL_AREA%/configuration/wrapper-license.conf
STATUS | wrapperm | 2021/06/15 15:33:52 | After environment variable replacements: D:\SoftwareAG107\profiles\SPM/configuration/wrapper-license.conf
STATUS | wrapperm | 2021/06/15 15:33:52 | Reading included configuration file, D:\SoftwareAG107\profiles\SPM\configuration\wrapper-license.conf
STATUS | wrapperm | 2021/06/15 15:33:52 | Found #include file in D:\SoftwareAG107\profiles\SPM\configuration\wrapper.conf: %OSGI_INSTALL_AREA%/configuration/custom_wrapper.conf
STATUS | wrapperm | 2021/06/15 15:33:52 | After environment variable replacements: D:\SoftwareAG107\profiles\SPM/configuration/custom_wrapper.conf
STATUS | wrapperm | 2021/06/15 15:33:52 | Reading included configuration file, D:\SoftwareAG107\profiles\SPM\configuration\custom_wrapper.conf
STATUS | wrapperm | 2021/06/15 15:33:52 | Software AG Platform Manager 10.7 service installed.