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  • 1.  Integration Server HTTPS / SSL Debugging/logging

    Posted 28 days ago

    Products: wM Suite v.10.5 - IS, Designer, CloudStreams


    I am trying to figure out how to debug an inbound SSL connection in Integration Server. I am having issues with the connection between Designer and our IS - specifically when trying to interact with CloudStreams through the service development view. 

    I've enhanced logging levels in the admin console, but honestly, I could use some more information than the default logger can give me.

    Additionally, does anyone have any advice on capturing the content of an IS's inbound/outbound HTTP requests?

    Pedro Silva

    Pedro Dinis dos Reis Pereira da Silva
    Integration Engineer

  • 2.  RE: Integration Server HTTPS / SSL Debugging/logging

    Posted 27 days ago

    Try updating your custom_wrapper.conf file and include any of these lines:


    and shutting down and starting up your server again.

    Mei See Yeoh

  • 3.  RE: Integration Server HTTPS / SSL Debugging/logging

    Posted 27 days ago

    I'm not sure if this guide has been (or will be) migrated over to the IBM side, but there's an Advanced Troubleshooting guide on Software AG's Empower that has a section on SSL troubleshooting. I don't know how up-to-date the guide is but I hope it helps:




    Percio Castro

  • 4.  RE: Integration Server HTTPS / SSL Debugging/logging

    Posted 26 days ago

    Be careful with ssl debugging. It can slow down the server due to extensive log generation. 

    - Chirag

  • 5.  RE: Integration Server HTTPS / SSL Debugging/logging

    Posted 26 days ago

    Hi Pedro,

    For SSL debugging, set the system property in the IS profiles custom_wrapper.conf file (e.g. wrapper.java.additional.204=-Djavax.net.debug=ssl) Or set watt property "watt.config.systemProperties" (e.g. watt.config.systemProperties=javax.net.debug=ssl)

    Both settings requires Integration Server to be restarted and the TLS/SSL debug messages will be written to the IS profile wrapper.log file.
    Also, you can set the logging level of '0064 Network Services' &  '0039 HTTP Request' components to TRACE in the IS Admin.

    Raja Tipirneni