@palani_samy those snippets are for folks using the sagdevops-ci-asset GitHub project to kickstart their CI/CD pipeline. Are you using that project as a starting point?
My particular client mentioned above was. In that case, I added those Ant targets in the buildDeployer.xml file and I simply placed the XSLT file it in a resources folder within that same project.
If you’re not using that GitHub project as a starting point, then you wouldn’t perhaps use the snippets above. For example, in my current project where we’re using a Gitlab pipeline, I felt it was easier and simpler to just code everything in bash. The particular line that handles variable substitution looks like this:
$DEP_HOME/bin/Deployer.sh --import -varsub -vsFile $VARSUB_ENV_FILE -map defaultMap -project cicdProject -validate true -host $DEPLOYER_HOST -port $DEPLOYER_PORT -user $DEPLOYER_USER -pwd $DEPLOYER_PWD -force
It’s still a work in progress.
Hope this helps,