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  • 1.  Error while invoking service from Postman

    Posted Mon October 28, 2024 02:07 PM

    Integration Server and API Gateway. version:10.15 

    Hi guys, I received an error where;

    • APIGateway:"[POL:straightThroughRouting]O--->  Exception : Exception during mediation: com.softwareag.pg.exceptions.PGException:  Native service provider error. Code : 404 " and
    • from IS server log "2024-10-25 15:19:29 SGT [ISS.0053.0002C] (tid=27625) Access denied for user Administrator on port 6643 -> ''service name'"*
    • error from Postman "API Gateway encountered an error. Error Message:  Native service provider error. Code : 404. Request Details: Service - processAccLocalPartService, Operation - /processAccLocalPartService, Invocation Time:3:19:29 PM, Date:Oct 25, 2024"

    Muhammad Aznul Aiman Bin Hazli

  • 2.  RE: Error while invoking service from Postman

    Posted Wed October 30, 2024 12:47 PM

    Hi, Have you tried passing the credentials to your native service using the - Outbound Auth - Transport policy?

    Srinidhi Ramachandra

  • 3.  RE: Error while invoking service from Postman

    Posted Wed October 30, 2024 12:47 PM

    Hi Muhammad Aznul Aiman Bin Hazli,

    For this error --> Access denied for user Administrator on port 6643 -> ''service name'"*

    For the Flow Service have you verified if User=Admistrator has Execute Access (ACL)?



    Kailash Kumar Mishra

  • 4.  RE: Error while invoking service from Postman

    Posted Wed October 30, 2024 12:47 PM

    Hi Muhammad Aznul Aiman Bin Hazli,

    For the error --> Access denied for user Administrator on port 6643 -> ''service name'"*

    Have you verified that User=Administrator has Execute Access (ACL) for the required Parent and Child Flow Services?



    Kailash Kumar Mishra

  • 5.  RE: Error while invoking service from Postman

    Posted Wed October 30, 2024 12:47 PM

    Is this a REST API or a SOAP API? If it is a REST API (seems like it) then check the routing on policy properties. It seems you are receiving a 404 which would mean you might not have the correct path for the Endpoint URI.

    I usually create REST Resource using the option "Generate JSON API URL templates" in this way the templates are auto created while generating the REST Resource and makes it easier for identifying the path of the REST resource.

    If the path is correct then the next thing i would check on is the ACL's on the native services. I usually implement security at API GW level and let Native services have "Anonymous" ACL since it can not be accessed (ideally) outside of the internal data zone.

    Akshith Arremreddy

  • 6.  RE: Error while invoking service from Postman

    Posted Wed October 30, 2024 12:47 PM

    Hi Muhammad -

    A 404 indicates that a resource was not found, in your case, the service being invoked. However, the "Access denied" error could perhaps point to a different underlying root cause. A couple of things to consider:

    1. Since you're not using a standard port, make sure that the service being executed is in the Allowed list of port 6643.
    2. Ensure that the Administrator user belonds to the ACL that is mapped to that service's execute ACL.

    If neither of these resolve the issue, then please share the URL that you're using from Postman, a screenshot of the endpoint exposed in the API Gateway, and share the fully qualified name of the service being executed in your Integration Server.




    Percio Castro