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  • 1.  docker image for mqsicreatebar

    Posted Fri July 21, 2023 08:56 AM

    Hi all, is there a Linux - based Docker Image with mqsicreatebar somewhere in an ibm - repository or dockerHub?
    I tried to prepare one on my own (alpine - linux with tools/mqsicreatebar + common/jdk) but it didn't work.
    Thanks for your support  Best Regards

    Klaus Ueberhofen

  • 2.  RE: docker image for mqsicreatebar

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon July 24, 2023 03:19 AM

    Hi Klaus

    Any reason why you are sticking with mqsicreatebar and not use ibmint commands?

    The footprint of any image that contains the toolkit required to run mqsicreatebar is much larger then when only the runtime is required for ibmint.

    You can make one yourself by simply unpacking the ace linux image and running a command like

    ace make registry global accept license deferred
    But you also need to take care of the required graphical interface with xfvb
    xfvb-run mqsicreatebar -data …

    Matthias Blomme

  • 3.  RE: docker image for mqsicreatebar

    Posted Mon July 24, 2023 09:00 AM

     Hello Klaus,

     As Matthias says, ibmint is usually the better way to go with ACE these days, as it's smaller and lighter. 

     If you really do need mqsicreatebar (building non-application flows in old-style integration projects, for example), then that can be done as well. There's a Dockerfile at (which I need to try and get merged into the main repo at with instructions on how to use it. Note that any pre-built containers using that Dockerfile are unofficial, and may go away at any time, but you can build your own easily enough.

    That image is used at including a GitHub Action that shows the build process. Any mqsicreatebar-capable image is going to be quite large (>1GB) so it's not the quickest process, but it does work.

    Hope this helps!

    Trevor Dolby
    IBM Expert Labs

  • 4.  RE: docker image for mqsicreatebar

    Posted Mon August 07, 2023 05:59 AM

    Hi Matthias and Trevor,

    as you already guessed, I really want to package the msgflow, esql and java files in a cicd-Pipeline (that was made in the ACE ToolKit before).
    The hint with imbint ist good, so I took an image from and tried ibmint - after /opt/ibm/ace-12/server/bin/mqsiprofile and the LICENSE env-variable.
    Thx for the hints.
    Error message now: BIP2113E: IBM App Connect Enterprise internal error: diagnostic information 'Invalid project descriptor' says, that our sources are not really ace 12 ready, right?
    And the image used is 871,5 MB in size and containes the full server-installation for runtime, so it's rather large. Is there any other, smaller image just for packaging the barfile?
    Thanks and Regards Klaus

    Klaus Ueberhofen

  • 5.  RE: docker image for mqsicreatebar

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed August 09, 2023 07:20 AM

    Hi Klaus

    What version is the project under? Did you last edit it in a v10 toolkit? I am not sure what the difference is here, I currently don't have a v10 running on my systems. Just open the project in a v12 workspace and commit whatever is changed. You can try running the ibmint before committing to see if it works then.

    There are a couple of changes between v10 and v12, but the toolkit should point these out.

    Creating a package does require the runtime. If you want to use mqsibuild or mqsipackage you would need the runtime and toolkit. Those images clock in over 1.2gb I believe. IBM might supply smaller images in the future, but that would also depend on the features you would require (similar to ibmint optimize server).

    Matthias Blomme

  • 6.  RE: docker image for mqsicreatebar

    Posted Mon October 16, 2023 12:27 AM

    Hello Klaus,

    Have you resolved the issue.. I am facing the same..Any inputs?

    madhu ram