Additional Information
We are getting the below errors,
2015-11-30 06:27:52,329 ERROR com.dfi.od.odutil.SQLConnectionHandler {raiseError} - ERROR in ConnectionManager.initDBConnections: null
INFO | jvm 1 | 2015/11/30 06:27:52 | at com.novaext.conf.ConnectionManager.throwInitDBException(Unknown Source)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2015/11/30 06:27:52 | at com.novaext.conf.ConnectionManager.initDBConnections(Unknown Source)
2015-11-30 06:27:52,330 ERROR com.novaext.conf.ConnectionManager {initDBConnections} -
INFO | jvm 1 | 2015/11/30 06:27:52 | nova.exception.DatabaseConnectionException:
However the DB pools are configured properly and everytime we test the pool connection it is successful.