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Connection Pool - initial Screen

  • 1.  Connection Pool - initial Screen

    Posted Mon April 29, 2024 01:41 PM

    Product/components used and version/fix level:

    ApplinX 1015

    Detailed explanation of the problem:

    I have a mainframe application and create a path flow to go from screen 1 to screen 4.
    From Screen 4 I have multiple tasks, starting from screen 4. All these tasks uses different screens and different path procedures. But till screen 4 (from screen 1 to screen 4) all the steps are similar.

    I have created a path procedure that starts from screen4 to perform a task. (task_1)
    I have created a path procedure that takes to screen4 (initial_steps)

    1. How do I connect the 2 path procedures, or execute the initial_step path procedure and execute the other (task_1 procedure).
    2. Is there any configuration I need to follow on ‘Connection Pool - Pool’ and ‘Connection Pool - Navigation’ ?

    So that when I execute REST URL for Task_1 and it automaticaly runs initial_steps and returns the output

    Error messages / full error message screenshot / log file:

    Procedure Exception: Path [/task_1] Step [Step_1] expected to start with screen [screen_4] current host screen is [screen_1].


  • 2.  RE: Connection Pool - initial Screen

    Posted Mon April 29, 2024 02:54 PM

    Using the Execute Path Node step, you can create wrapper procedures that call your task1 and task2 procedures or you can have your task2 procedures call task1 or have task1 call the appropriate task2 procedure…

    You could set a connection pool that runs task1 as its startup and procedures needing task2 functions can use that connection pool. I’d only use this option if the volume of tasks using task2 functions warranted a separate connection pool.

    Another option is to use a Flow procedure and embed the calls to task1 and task 2 as needed.
