Original Message:
Sent: Sun October 15, 2023 11:53 PM
From: madhu ram
Subject: Compiling Java projects from the ACE container image
Hello Trevor,
Thanks for your reply.I created a seperate .cmd file with the command
cd C:/Program Files/IBM/ACE/ & ACE.cmd & ibmint package --input-path (the project path) --output-bar-file (path for bar file) --project (the project name) and using the commandLine in gradle.build it was able to package in windows environment
Right now my library is present in the git repo as a gradle project.I tried issuing the command ibmint package as per the build.gradle file in the ace demo pipeline.I get the below error while, creating the bar
commandLine baseFilePath + fileSep + 'server' + fileSep + 'bin/ibmint', 'package', '--input-path', "$projectDir",'--output-bar-file','xxx/sample.bar','--do-not-compile-java' ,'--project','yyy'
BIP2113E: IBM App Connect Enterprise internal error: diagnostic information 'Invalid project descriptor', '18', 'filteredResources'
Note:projectDir here refers to the XXX /lib directory.
I tried with different combination but did not work.Please help.
madhu ram
Original Message:
Sent: Thu October 12, 2023 11:12 PM
From: Trevor Dolby
Subject: Compiling Java projects from the ACE container image
Hello Madhu,
It's a little hard to be sure what's happening, but a couple of things might be causing some issues:
- It looks like you're running on Windows, and using the forward slash character for paths; I set fileSep to be
in the ACE demo pipeline build.gradle as a good practice, even though I haven't run it on Windows recently. - Depending on how Gradle executes commands, the space in
C:/Program Files/
might be causing problems. It might be possible to use quotes around the command path, or else to use C:\PROGRA~1\
instead to avoid the space entirely. - I would expect baseFilePath to be set from the env var MQSI_BASE_FILEPATH rather than specified as a fixed string. Gradle will almost certainly need to be run from an ACE console to make sure other env vars are set, too.
It definitely doesn't look like ibmint is failing, as there don't seem to be any error messages to indicate issues with ibmint itself, so this is probably down to issues finding the command.
Hope this makes sense!
-- Trevor D.
Trevor Dolby
IBM Expert Labs
Original Message:
Sent: Tue October 10, 2023 10:03 PM
From: madhu ram
Subject: Compiling Java projects from the ACE container image
Hello Trevor,
i am trying to build a bar file in build.gradle.i have a seperate task as below in gradle.build
task createBar(type: Exec) {
commandLine baseFilePath + '/'+'server' +'/'+ 'bin/ibmint', 'package', '--input-path', './', '--output-bar-file', '/build/libs/test.bar', '--project', 'common-app' }
i have the the basefilepath set to def baseFilePath='C:/Program Files/IBM/ACE/' in my local...
the task execution shows error.
Process 'command 'C:/Program Files/IBM/ACE/'' finished with non-zero exit value -1
could you please help
madhu ram
Original Message:
Sent: Mon November 01, 2021 05:12 AM
From: Trevor Dolby
Subject: Compiling Java projects from the ACE container image
Compatibility is really good in that direction, so you should be fine building ACE v11 applications with ACE v12 tools. Going the other way isn't as good, as any v12 content in any of the projects could cause the v11 tools to fail.
The demo pipeline referred to above actually started out as a v11 application (see the older branches such as https://github.com/ot4i/ace-demo-pipeline/tree/demo-pipeline-21-02 ) and moving the pipeline to v12 didn't cause any issues. In fact, v12 brought significant benefits such as the ability to easily run unit tests in the pipeline, which is much faster and nicer than the v11 approach used in the earlier branches. Unit tests can be added to pre-existing projects, too, so older applications can be enabled in the same way as new ones.