You can use following steps to quickly delete all the messages and reduce the database size. These steps clear JMS connection database. For native connection, you’ll need to clear a different database.
One of the customers who raised an issue who got their CSQ in the Integration server piled up with messages, based on the KB article has suggested them t Below are the steps to be performed for reduction of messages from LWQ_DB_MESSAGING_CSQ.
- Shutdown the Integration Server.
- If number of messages is zero, then simply delete the directory LWQ_DB_MESSAGING_CSQ.
- If number of messages is not zero, then use one of the standard Derby client (SQuirreL Client is one) to connect and do database compression using Derby commands.
- Start the Integration Server.
In your case, at step 2 you will simply delete the database as you don’t mind losing the messages in CSQ.