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  • 1.  Automate MQ Patching

    Posted Fri April 14, 2023 06:46 AM

    Hi , 
    Are there any built-in scripts provided from the IBM side that can automatically upgrade MQ versions in Windows/Linux/AIX? In case there are more than 50 + servers which need patching, is there any way to automate it?

    Marina Lee Philip

  • 2.  RE: Automate MQ Patching

    Posted Fri April 14, 2023 10:38 AM

    IBM used to have a product - BigFix or Endpoint Manager - that did automated deployment of OS and product updates including MQ. But that solution was sold off a few years ago. MQ doesn't have anything specific, as it is really a cross-product enterprise-wide requirement to have a single tool to handle the need. With all the controls, reporting, rollback options etc. Doing it "properly" is not a small job.

    Mark Taylor

  • 3.  RE: Automate MQ Patching

    Posted Mon April 17, 2023 09:56 AM

    there is no OOB product, but using Ansible; you can achieve it.
    There is an ansible module being built; does multiple things to automate. 

    If u see something missing; then add module `command` or `shell` to achieve the automation.

    We use it and have seen success. 
    IBM is working to enhance the ansibel module; till then you would need some of your customization.

    om prakash

  • 4.  RE: Automate MQ Patching

    Posted Mon April 17, 2023 05:00 PM




    I recommend RedHat Ansible Automation Platform:  You could write a ansible playbook scripts to do the updates.  I would suggest one for minor version updates and a different script for a major update.


    Do you have ansible automation platform?

    Is this for a minor update?


    Susan Barker

    Senior MQ, ACE, ITX Domain Architect II

    Victory is nothing without humility, respect and charity...unknown

    Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier...Mother Theresa




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