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Appliance Management Protocol - Compare Configuration operation

  • 1.  Appliance Management Protocol - Compare Configuration operation

    Posted Sun May 01, 2022 12:04 AM


    We have multiple DataPower appliances and I am planning to write a script to compare configurations between appliances. After researching, I found Appliance Management Protocol SOAP interface has CompareConfig operation which I believe can be used for this purpose.

    I was able to import the AMP WSDL in SOAP UI and was able to look at the fields in the operation, but couldn't find much information about the fields and how to use this operation. Any pointers on this would be appreciated.

    <ns:Config domain="?">cid:85184014474</ns:Config>



    <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->


    <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->


    <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->











  • 2.  RE: Appliance Management Protocol - Compare Configuration operation

    Posted Mon May 02, 2022 08:32 AM


    you can use get-diff operation. Check out the following links if they can provide any assistance:



  • 3.  RE: Appliance Management Protocol - Compare Configuration operation

    Posted Wed May 11, 2022 05:11 PM

    Hi, thanks for sharing the links.

    The links helped to some extent, but I couldn't achieve what I was looking for.

    Basically I am looking to compare the domain configurations between two appliances. So, as the link mentioned I used the get-diff operation in the following way.

    I passed one appliance ( base64 encoded domain export in the <from> element tag and in the <to> element tag I just selected "all-classes", this is the appliance( with which I am trying to compare against and where I am invoking the SOMA call (

    What I am observing is, the appliance is not comparing the configurations. It is just returning all object classes of the appliance( where I am invoking this call.

    Below is the sample request that I am using.

    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:man="">;



       <man:request domain="OUT-CAT">






            <man:object class="all-classes" persisted="true"/>





