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App Connect : Email Catalog : Failed to connect (something went wrong)

  • 1.  App Connect : Email Catalog : Failed to connect (something went wrong)

    Posted Thu February 29, 2024 11:43 AM

    I am trying to connect to Email Catalog from App Connect Designer, but ends with error "Something went wrong, please contact IBM". I refreshed page multiple times for past couple of days bt still issue exist.  May I know who from IBM can actually help?

    Preethi Ram

  • 2.  RE: App Connect : Email Catalog : Failed to connect (something went wrong)

    Posted Fri March 01, 2024 02:45 AM

    Hi Preethi,

    Could you provide details about your environment - are you using the managed service or is this a customer-managed installation of App Connect Enterprise Certified Containers or Cloud Pak for Integration?

    If you are using the managed service could you please provide details of your service instance by sharing the URL from the browser when you are in the authoring experience?

    Martin Ross

  • 3.  RE: App Connect : Email Catalog : Failed to connect (something went wrong)

    Posted Sat March 02, 2024 12:52 AM

    Hello Martin, we are using IBM Saas environment and url is

    Issue with email catalog is resolved but I could see same issue with Sharepoint now. Not sure if there is any updates happening on catalog which is causing this intermittent issue.I tried both Basic as well as NTLM

    Preethi Ram

  • 4.  RE: App Connect : Email Catalog : Failed to connect (something went wrong)

    Posted Sat March 02, 2024 05:14 AM

    Hi Preethi,

    I am seeing errors in the logs today (for example at 0550 UTC) indicating an ECONNRESET communicating to whilst we are trying to validate the connection on account creation.

    Could you confirm that the endpoint details are correct and there are no firewalls or IP allowlist restrictions (or similar) in place that would prevent this connection?

    If you need to configure an IP allowlist on the target system then we document details of our outbound IP address ranges in our documentation here:

    Martin Ross

  • 5.  RE: App Connect : Email Catalog : Failed to connect (something went wrong)

    Posted Sat March 02, 2024 08:35 PM

    Hello Martin,

    Yes end point is correct and firewall is opened. For debugging, we involved firewall team but they confirm no incoming traffic when hit from App connect designer. But they could see incoming traffic when hit the endpoint wth postman. Not sure how to debug the issue further!

    Preethi Ram

  • 6.  RE: App Connect : Email Catalog : Failed to connect (something went wrong)

    Posted Sun March 03, 2024 08:33 AM

    Hello Preethi,

    If I try to ping the endpoint you have shared above the request times out similarly, so could you confirm how the endpoint is protected and how it is configured to enable connection from App Connect and from Postman?

    Martin Ross

  • 7.  RE: App Connect : Email Catalog : Failed to connect (something went wrong)

    Posted Tue March 05, 2024 01:16 PM
    Edited by Preethi Ram Tue March 05, 2024 01:18 PM

    Hi Martin, thank you for your time. Yes its firewall issue that blocks the connections. Once firewall is opened, could able to connect to Sharepoint with Basic authentication. But issue now is with hitting sharepoint secured endpoint. Whenever we are using https request, it fails with ssl issue. Is there a way to add client certs on designer?

      "userId": "xm3mazcpun",
      "ownerId": "xm3mazcpun",
      "instanceId": "xm3mazcpun",
      "user-id": "xm3mazcpun",
      "resourceId": "c881b91a-fdca-427e-a29a-4fec170a6e35",
      "flowId": "c881b91a-fdca-427e-a29a-4fec170a6e35",
      "resource-id": "c881b91a-fdca-427e-a29a-4fec170a6e35",
      "transId": "131998a3-2f1a-44bd-ac55-62a75ff713e2",
      "transactionId": "131998a3-2f1a-44bd-ac55-62a75ff713e2",
      "transaction-id": "131998a3-2f1a-44bd-ac55-62a75ff713e2",
      "logLevel": "ERROR",
      "log-level": "test",
      "action": "Check that the endpoint is available and that it has a valid SSL certificate.",
      "time": "2024-03-05T16:41:55.848Z",
      "url": "",
      "ibm_messageId": "http0006",
      "ibm_datetime": "2024-03-05T16:41:55.858Z",
      "module": "firefly-designer-runtime",
      "ibm_sequence": "1524311_22",
      "type": "ace_message",
      "logSourceCRN": "crn:v1:aws:public:appconnect:us-east-1:sub/20240103-2141-1111-1100-229717f5a8ee:20240103-2238-0249-609a-47351c3b9913::",
      "tenantId": "xm3mazcpun",
      "message": "The HTTP request could not be made.",
      "data": {
        "errorDetail": "{\"code\":\"UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLY\",\"timings\":{\"start\":1709656915691,\"socket\":1709656915691,\"lookup\":1709656915702,\"connect\":1709656915753,\"error\":1709656915846,\"phases\":{\"wait\":0,\"dns\":11,\"tcp\":51,\"total\":155}},\"name\":\"RequestError\",\"options\":{\"agent\":{},\"decompress\":true,\"timeout\":{\"request\":50000},\"prefixUrl\":\"\",\"ignoreInvalidCookies\":false,\"context\":{},\"hooks\":{\"init\":[],\"beforeRequest\":[],\"beforeError\":[],\"beforeRedirect\":[],\"beforeRetry\":[],\"afterResponse\":[]},\"followRedirect\":true,\"maxRedirects\":10,\"throwHttpErrors\":true,\"username\":\"\",\"password\":\"\",\"http2\":false,\"allowGetBody\":false,\"headers\":{\"user-agent\":\"got (\",\"authorization\":\"Basic bWR5bnljbWFzXHN5c190ZXN0X2libXdhMDE6ZmVycDdpU3x0aGlxdW9zbw==\",\"x-ibm-appconnect-client-timeout\":50000,\"accept-encoding\":\"gzip, deflate, br\"},\"methodRewriting\":false,\"retry\":{\"limit\":3,\"methods\":[\"GET\",\"POST\",\"PUT\",\"HEAD\",\"DELETE\",\"OPTIONS\",\"TRACE\"],\"statusCodes\":[502,504,408,429,503],\"errorCodes\":[\"ECONNRESET\",\"ENOTFOUND\",\"ESOCKETTIMEDOUT\",\"ETIMEDOUT\",\"ECONNREFUSED\",\"EHOSTUNREACH\",\"EPIPE\",\"EAI_AGAIN\"],\"backoffLimit\":null,\"noise\":100},\"method\":\"GET\",\"cacheOptions\":{},\"https\":{\"rejectUnauthorized\":true},\"resolveBodyOnly\":false,\"isStream\":true,\"responseType\":\"text\",\"url\":\"\",\"pagination\":{\"countLimit\":null,\"backoff\":0,\"requestLimit\":10000,\"stackAllItems\":false},\"setHost\":true,\"enableUnixSockets\":true},\"combinedErrorValue\":\"UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLY\"}"

    Preethi Ram

  • 8.  RE: App Connect : Email Catalog : Failed to connect (something went wrong)

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed March 06, 2024 03:08 AM

    UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLY, would mean to me that you are missing the signer chain in your truststore...

    Francois Brandelik

  • 9.  RE: App Connect : Email Catalog : Failed to connect (something went wrong)

    Posted Thu March 07, 2024 07:50 AM

    Hi Preethi,

    I believe you are using HTTP node to interact with your target (Error code http0006) endpoint having a self signed certificate. You have an option to Allow self-signed certificates(ignore validation of certificates) in the HTTP account creation.

    Srihari Ananda Kumar

  • 10.  RE: App Connect : Email Catalog : Failed to connect (something went wrong)

    Posted Thu March 07, 2024 09:39 PM

    Thank you Srihari for the solution. This works absolutely fine 

    Preethi Ram