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  • 1.  AMQ8584E: Insufficient permission to update installation configuration - but mqm has authorities

    Posted Mon October 30, 2023 09:39 AM
    Edited by NICK DAKORONIAS Mon October 30, 2023 09:42 AM

    Hello MQ community users,

    After applying -successfully-  Fixpack on AIX (v7.3 TL1 SP2) MQ Server (ver in QA environment, and trying to set MQ installation ("Installation1") as primary with nonproduction entitlement  (-l nonprod), the following error prompts: "AMQ8584E: Insufficient permission to update installation configuration".

    But this error was not expected, given that  mqm user has been defined correctly at AIX OS level in etc/group  -> mqm:!:202:mqm,e63254.

    I have edited /etc/opt/mqm/mqinst.ini in order to set 'Installation1" as Primary installation, but the problem with mqm insufficient permissions error msg remains.

    Pls keep in mind that even using the root user to execute the setmqinst cmd from the  /usr/mqm/bin path returns the error with insufficient permissions..

    Chaning also the permissions to usr/mqm/bin to full rights for mqm (chmod 777),didn'thelp at all.

    Trying also -with mqm- to unset the primary installation (set mqinst -x) returns the same error.

    FYI, the (2) QMGRs hosted on that AIX QA system are up and running and working as expected.

    Any advise on the above will be much appreciated.

    Rgds, Nick.


    Nick Dakoronias

  • 2.  RE: AMQ8584E: Insufficient permission to update installation configuration - but mqm has authorities

    Posted Wed November 01, 2023 04:41 AM

    Trying also with AIX root user relying on IBM documentation but still getting the AMQ8584E error:

    root@MQQAR22 /usr/mqm/bin # ./setmqinst -i -n Installation1

    AMQ8584E: Insufficient permission to update installation configuration

    root@MQQAR22 /usr/mqm/bin # ./setmqinst -x -n Installation1

    AMQ8584E: Insufficient permission to update installation configuration

    I have raised a ticket to IBM for further investigaton.

    Nick Dakoronias

  • 3.  RE: AMQ8584E: Insufficient permission to update installation configuration - but mqm has authorities

    Posted Thu November 02, 2023 03:29 PM

    Hi Nick,

    what is the Filepath of "Installation1"? What are the mount options for that FS?

    I had a similar issue some time ago where the mount options for that FS were preventing mq-commands from running correctly. It was on Linux nevertheless...

    Miguel Sanjurjo

  • 4.  RE: AMQ8584E: Insufficient permission to update installation configuration - but mqm has authorities

    Posted Wed November 08, 2023 10:55 AM

    Hi Miguel,

    At first thanks for your post.

    The Installation path is /usr/mqm  & the data path  is /var/mqm  -- Installation Name : Installation1 

    Hereunder are the outcomes of dspmqinst, dspmqver (run as mqm from /usr/mqm/bin):

    $ dspmqinst
    InstName:      Installation1
    Identifier:    1
    InstPath:      /usr/mqm
    Primary:       Yes
    State:         Available
    LicenseType:   Production
    Entitlement:   IBM MQ Advanced
    $ dspmqver
    Name:        IBM MQ
    Level:       p930-010-230816
    BuildType:   IKAP - (Production)
    Platform:    IBM MQ for AIX
    Mode:        64-bit
    O/S:         AIX 7.3
    InstName:    Installation1
    Primary:     Yes
    InstPath:    /usr/mqm
    DataPath:    /var/mqm
    MaxCmdLevel: 930
    LicenseType: Production

    Below you can find also the outcome of crtmqenv -n Installation1:

    $ crtmqenv -n Installation1

    At last  below you can find the outcome of  mountpoints, permissions and files systems on that MQ host:

    Name            Nodename   Mount Pt               VFS   Size    Options    Auto Accounting
    /dev/hd4        --         /                      jfs2  2097152 --         yes  no 
    /dev/hd1        --         /home                  jfs2  4194304 --         yes  no 
    /dev/hd2        --         /usr                   jfs2  14680064 --         yes  no 
    /dev/hd9var     --         /var                   jfs2  4194304 --         yes  no 
    /dev/hd3        --         /tmp                   jfs2  4194304 --         yes  no 
    /dev/hd11admin  --         /admin                 jfs2  2097152 --         yes  no 
    /proc           --         /proc                  procfs --      --         yes  no 
    /dev/hd10opt    --         /opt                   jfs2  6291456 --         yes  no 
    /dev/livedump   --         /var/adm/ras/livedump  jfs2  524288  --         yes  no 
    /dev/fslv00     --         /general               jfs2  31457280 rw         yes  no 
    /dev/fslv01     --         /usr/local             jfs2  6291456 rw         yes  no 
    /dev/fslv02     --         /audit                 jfs2  6291456 rw         yes  no 
    /dev/fslv03     --         /audit/archived_logs   jfs2  8388608 rw         yes  no 
    /dev/fslv04     --         /perfmon               jfs2  2097152 rw         yes  no 
    /dev/fslv05     --         /cores                 jfs2  2097152 rw         yes  no 
    /dev/usrmqm_lv  --         /usr/mqm               jfs2  4194304 rw         yes  no 
    /dev/varmqm_lv  --         /var/mqm               jfs2  4194304 rw         yes  no 
    /dev/mqmdata_lv --         /var/mqm/qmgrs         jfs2  230686720 rw         yes  no 
    /dev/mqmlogs_lv --         /var/mqm/log           jfs2  83886080 rw         yes  no 
    /dev/mqmerrors_lv --         /var/mqm/errors        jfs2  10485760 rw         yes  no 
    /dev/mqmtrace_lv --         /var/mqm/trace         jfs2  10485760 rw         yes  no 
    /dev/nfs_ltd_lv --         /NFS_LTD               jfs2  209453056 rw         yes  no 
    /dev/nfs_578_lv --         /NFS_578               jfs2  209715200 rw         yes  no 
    /dev/nfs_swift_lv --         /NFS_SWIFT             jfs2  10485760 rw         yes  no

    FYI, i have already raised a ticket to IBM MQ support team (about 8 days ago) - still expecting a valid suggestion or workaround...

    Nick Dakoronias

  • 5.  RE: AMQ8584E: Insufficient permission to update installation configuration - but mqm has authorities

    Posted Fri December 01, 2023 04:56 AM

    Dear all,

    This is to keep you posted that during case investigation, problem seems to have been bypassed after reverting back to MQ v9.3.0.6 LTS (FP10 uninstall) and perform a fresh install of FP10 (upgrading to LTS). 

    Nick Dakoronias

  • 6.  RE: AMQ8584E: Insufficient permission to update installation configuration - but mqm has authorities

    Posted Fri February 16, 2024 10:52 AM

    Hi Miguel

    What mount options was preventing the mq commands from running correctly?



    Marco Bezuidenhout

  • 7.  RE: AMQ8584E: Insufficient permission to update installation configuration - but mqm has authorities

    Posted Tue February 20, 2024 04:09 AM

    Hey Marco,

    RHEL set the nosuid-option for the /opt-filesystem in /etc/fstab.

    MQ is per default installed in /opt and since it needs suid to run commands as the mqm-user, these commands failed miserably. As soon as the option was removed, everything worked as expected.

    Take a look at this:


    Miguel Sanjurjo

  • 8.  RE: AMQ8584E: Insufficient permission to update installation configuration - but mqm has authorities

    Posted Thu February 22, 2024 03:57 PM
    Edited by Andres Parada Wed February 28, 2024 01:46 PM

    It appears that despite having the correct permissions and attempting various adjustments, the "Insufficient permission" error persists when setting the MQ installation as primary. Firstly, ensure that the mqm user has adequate permissions not only at the OS level but also within MQ configurations. Double-check permissions on relevant directories and files associated with MQ. Additionally, review any recent changes or updates that might have affected permissions. If the issue persists, consider reaching out to IBM support for further assistance, as they can provide tailored guidance to troubleshoot and resolve this specific matter effectively. I often get worried about my car's winch, but when I researched it, I got a lot of good information. There is no need for you to worry, but you can find a special and good answer in this community.

    zokles bod