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This group is for discussions, blogs, and other community resources on IBM MQ Cloud, IBM MQ on-premises, IBM MQ Appliance, and IBM MQ for z/OS. 

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  • Hi Angel Rivera, Many thanks, I have followed the tutorial, and just finished the upgrade task successfully. (and last set the /usr/mqm/bin/setmqinst -i -p /usr/mqm) Thanks alot. ------------------------------ Muhammad Faisal Syed ------- ...

  • Hello Muhammad: You can use the following tutorial. . Even though the title of the following tutorial says MQ 9.0 and 9.1, the instructions apply to all versions (MQ 9.0 LTS, MQ 9.0 CD, MQ 9.1 LTS, MQ 9.1 CD, MQ 9.2 LTS, MQ 9.2 CD, MQ 9.3 LTS, MQ 9.3 ...

  • Hi, Navigate to the IBM MQ installation directory's bin directory. For example, if you're using Linux, the default location is /opt/mqm. Run./mqlicense -accept. Regards, Prema ------------------------------ Prema Laxmanachar ---------- ...

  • Execute the MQ license script (execution user root) Result: Already agreed is displayed. Run dspmqver Result: not accepted status The situation remains unchanged ------------------------------ トシミ クロサワ ------------------------------

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  • Performance of NativeHA MQ with Redhat ODF Storage Based on the research conducted by the IBM team, we've identified that ODF serves as a general-purpose replicated data solution for OpenShift. It ensures data integrity for single volumes by replicating ...

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  • Whilst writing my earlier blog which looked at the impact of the key-size of the certificate on MQ channels protected with TLS ciphers , it occurred to me that there was nothing that considered the impact on SVRCONN channels. When I did start to ...

  • Using a web server to serve JSON CCDT files on Red Hat OpenShift Whenever I am demonstrating IBM MQ running on Red Hat Openshift, something I find useful is providing a CCDT for my IBM MQ Client applications via a web server in JSON format. In case ...

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  • IBM MQ on AWS Deployment Options After purchasing IBM MQ entitlement, you need to decide how you will deploy your queue managers to meet your messaging requirements. IBM MQ supports a wide variety of platforms, and solutions for data replication ...

  • I’ve recently been helping some people set up the MQ Managed File Transfer (MFT) REST API for an existing topology, and I thought I’d write up what we did to help others who might be wondering how to do this. The MFT topology Before we get ...