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  • Do you mean the DR role or DR status sorry? The DR role can only be primary (which is saying, this is the site where the data is being replicated from) or secondary (which is saying, this is the site that the data is being replicated too). ...

  • Hi Peter, I've seen TCP LB to be used (in AWS, Azure and in private DC) They can't look in to the MQ packets so they just look for the QM Listener liveliness. You could do clever stuff on the QM node to ascertain liveliness but you start to replicate ...

  • The DR status is saying "this is where the data on the DR site is being replicated from" - correct? Under what circumstances would that not be true - can a DR replica mirror from HA secondary? - I don't see why not but how would this happen - Would ...

  • Hi What sort of Load Balancer do you use in front of the RDQM? I've never used a MQ LB other than a sysplex VIPA. Using a floating IP means a LB is not needed which may make the setup a lot easier. The reason for my interest is we have a RDQM without ...

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  • The MQ-Ansible collection helps simplify the installation and configuration of IBM MQ. With this collection, you can automate tasks, streamline deployments, and ensure consistency across environments. This is particularly useful in complex enterprise ...

  • We are seeing more and more customers upgrade to MQ for z/OS 9.4. One of the big bits of function in that release was a complete set of per queue stats which makes it easy to get a fine-grained view of what is happening to your most important queues. ...

  • We are pleased to announce the publication of the MQ V9.4 for Windows Server 2022 Performance report. The report includes data from Non Persistent, Persistent, TLS and LZ4 compression scenarios. The MQ V9.4 Windows Performance Report report is ...

  • On Friday 22nd of November 2024, IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS version 21 , the latest Java SDK compliant with Java Standard Edition, was released. This allows IBM MQ for z/OS to support Java 21 APIs for JMS applications. Java 21 boasts ...

  • WebSphere Application Server (WAS) allows systems administrators to create authentication aliases. Each alias maps to a username and password. The alias can be set on Java message service (JMS) connection factories. This means that enterprise applications ...