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Recipe: Get Statistics Multi-protocol Gateway (MPGW) Service

By Will LIAO posted Fri September 24, 2021 02:11 PM

Originally published on June 26, 2019 / Updated on November 26, 2020

Skill Level: Intermediate

Basic knowledge of DataPower, services, and objects are a plus.

Build a Multi-protocol Gateway (MPGW) to invoke the appliance's REST API interface in order to log certain statistics the appliance does not support out-of-box through the Log Target.


  • Assign the MGMT host alias to the IP that is being used for the REST Management Interface because the service will invoke the REST API with host alias MGMT
MPGW Service Creation

 This section walks through the build out of the GetStat service and its dependencies.

1. Create a new MPGW with the following:

  • - Dynamic-backend type
  • - Non-xml Request Type
  • - Non-xml Response Type

mpgwCreation01 - IBM DataPower MPGW

2. Add a new XML Manager by clicking the add (+) icon under the XML Manager section, and when the Configure XML Manager pops up, enter a name for the XMLM (e.g. getStat_XMLM), then locate the User Agent Configuration section and click on the add (+) icon to create a new User Agent.

Information: The User Agent is where you specify the SSL Profile and Basic Auth to be used.


3. In the User Agent section, name the User Agent (e.g. GetStat_UserAgent), click on the SSL Profile Policy tab, and inside the SSL Profile Policy section click on the Add button to create a new Client Profile.


4. In the Configure User Agent pop out, ensure that you choose Client Profile for the SSL client type. Then in the SSL client profile section, click on the add (+) icon, and when the Configure SSL Client Profile pops up, name the object (e.g. emptySSLClientProfile), and configure the following for the SSL Client Profile:

NOTICE: The name of this SSL Client Profile will be used in the code later, please ensure you note this down to be used in the code.

●     Ensure the Identification credentials remain as (none)

●     Select off for the Validation server certificate.


5. Continue to Apply all the panels until you reach the Configure User Agent pop up again. In the User Agent pop up, select the Basic-Auth Policy tab and enter in the privileged user and password for the basic authentication.


6.Apply the changes to the User Agent and the XML Manager. Apply and click Save Config for the MPGW. Create a HTTP Front Side Protocol and ensure the GET method is enabled.

For the sake of the example, port 8888 will be used.

Apply the changes to the HTTP Front side Handler and Save Config.



  1. Processing Policy: GatewayScript Actions to invoke REST APIs

    This section will configure the Processing Policy that will contain the code to invoke the statistics REST APIs.

    7. First configure the Processing Policy. In the MPGW, click on the add (+) icon from the Multi-Protocol Gateway Policy


    8. Name the Policy once the Configure Multi-Protocol Gateway Style Policy pops up (e.g. GetStat_Policy), and name the first rule (e.g. GetStat_Policy_rule). Drop down the Rule Direction and select Client to Server.


    9. Double click on the Match Action Action

    match icon - MPGW IBM Data Power

    , click on the add (+) icon the create a new Matching Rule, and add a new URL match rule for */getstat. Once added, Apply the changes for each screen until you get back to the Configure Multi-Protocol Gateway Style Policy panel.


    10. setDeviceName.xsl: The setDeviceName stylesheet extracts the appliance name that is set in the System Settings section (Appliance name), and will set it to a context variable to be used down stream.

    Locate the Transform Action (


    ), drag, and drop the Transform Action after the Match Action.


    11. In the Transform Action, use the following:

    ●     Drop down and select INPUT for the Input.

    ●     Select Transform with XSLT style sheet for the Use Document Processing Instructions.

    ●     In the Transform File section drop down the first drop down section to select local:///GetStat (if the GetStat folder if not available, open the File Management section in another browser window to add the GetStat subfolder under local:///).

    ●     Upload the setDeviceName.xsl to the local:///GetStat folder. The code could be found in the appendix section titled setDeviceName.xsl at the bottom of this doc.

    ●     Drop down and select NULL for the Output.

    Click Done when completed.


    12. getMem.js: The getMem script is a gatewayscript which will invoke the current appliances REST interface to pull the memory usage statistics. The code could be found in the appendix under getMem.js.

    Locate the GatewayScript Action, drag, and drop it after the Transform Action (the right side of the Transform Action):


    13. In the GatewayScript Action (double-click to open), use the following:

    ●     Drop down and select INPUT for Input.

    ●     In the GatewayScript file section, drop down the first drop down to select local:///Getstat folder, and upload the getMem.js script.

    ●     Drop down and select OUTPUT for Output.

    Click Done when complete.


    14. Continue the same steps to add the other scripts to run the other REST APIs.

    NOTE: Be mindful of the REST API uri, some will require different domains, such as the getServicesMemStatus.js in the appendix.

    15. After adding all the GatewayScript Actions, drag and drop the Advanced Action icon over to the right of the last GatewayScript Action to set a loopback variable to the Processing Rule.


    16. Double click on the Advanced Action, select the Set Variable action type and click Next.


    17. Enter service/mpgw/skip-backside for the Variable Name and 1 for the Variable Assignment. Once complete, click on Done and Apply Changes in the Processing Policy.


    18. After all the changes, you should be back in the main MPGW, Apply the changes, and Save Config.


  2. XML Manager Scheduled Processing Policy Rule: CallGetStat Processing Rule

    You may create a Scheduled Processing Policy Rule to call the GetStat service if you like to self invoke the service at a given time.

    1. In the GetStat_MPG service, open the GetStat_XMLMgr and navigate to the Schdeuled Processing Policy tab:


    2. You will need to add 2 rule actions:


    (a) the transform action which will execute the stylesheet.


    (b) the results will end the processing rule.



  3. Appendix


    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:dp="" extension-element-prefixes="dp" exclude-result-prefixes="dp">
    <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" />
    <xsl:template match="/">
    <!-- Getting the appliance device name which is set by DataPower on var://service/system/ident -->
    <xsl:variable name="vDeviceName">
    <xsl:value-of select="dp:variable('var://service/system/ident')//*[local-name()='device-name']" />
    <!-- Set the device name to var://context/getstat/devicename to be used in a GatewayScript -->
    <dp:set-variable name="'var://context/getstat/devicename'" value="$vDeviceName" />



    Script Name: getMem.js

    Purpose: Get Statistics that cannot be produced by the log target on DataPower. The getMem.js is to obtain the system memory usage.
    1. Ensure the logging category is set on the appliances Log Category section of the appliance, otherwise the log category will not exist for this event to be logged.
    2. Ensure the setDeviceName.xsl is used in the service otherwise the context variable will not be found, and the script will fail.
    3. Ensure the XML Manager > User Agent contains the SSL Client Profile and Basic-Auth which is used because the REST call requires https connection, and DataPower username/pass authentication. The call will fail without it.
    var vHost = "https://MGMT:5554/mgmt/status/default/MemoryStatus";
    var vLogCategory = {'category':'GetStatCategory'};
    var sm = require('service-metadata');
    var hm = require('header-metadata');
    var urlopen = require('urlopen');
    var ct = hm.current.get('Content-Type');
    var ctx ='getstat') || session.createContext('getstat');
    var vAppliance = ctx.getVar('devicename').replace('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>','') || 0;
    var vDomainName = sm.getVar("var://service/domain-name");
    var vXMLContentType = "application/json";
                // define the urlopen options
                var options = {
                target : vHost,
                method : 'GET',
                contentType : vXMLContentType,
                timeout : 2
    // open connection to target and send data over, function (error, response) {
                if (error) {
                            // an error occurred during request sending or response header parsing
                            console.log('urlopen error: ' + error);
                            session.output.write("urlopen connect error: " + error);
                } else {
                            // read response data
                            // get the response status code
                            var responseStatusCode = response.statusCode;
                            if (responseStatusCode == 200) {
                                        response.readAsJSON(function(err, readAsJSONResponse) {
                                                    if (err) {
                                                                session.reject("readAsJSON error: " + JSON.stringify(err));
                                                    } else {
                                                                session.output.write(" Success ");
                                                                console.options(vLogCategory).log("Appliance: " + vAppliance + ", MemoryUsage: " + JSON.stringify(readAsJSONResponse.MemoryStatus.Usage));



    Script Name: getCPU.js
    Purpose: Get Statistics that cannot be produced by the log target on DataPower.
    1. Ensure the logging category is set on the appliances Log Category section of the appliance, otherwise the log category will not exist for this event to be logged.
    2. Ensure the setDeviceName.xsl is used in the service otherwise the context variable will not be found, and the script will fail.
    3. Ensure the XML Manager > User Agent contains the SSL Client Profile and Basic-Auth which is used because the REST call requires https connection, and DataPower username/pass authentication. The call will fail without it.
    var vHost = "https://MGMT:5554/mgmt/status/default/CPUUsage";
    var vLogCategory = {
                'category': 'GetStatCategory'

    var sm = require('service-metadata');
    var hm = require('header-metadata');
    var urlopen = require('urlopen');
    var ct = hm.current.get('Content-Type');
    var ctx ='getstat') || session.createContext('getstat');
    var vAppliance = ctx.getVar('devicename').replace('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>','') || 0;
    var vDomainName = sm.getVar("var://service/domain-name");
    var vXMLContentType = "application/json";
                // define the urlopen options
                var options = {
                target : vHost,
                method : 'GET',
                contentType : vXMLContentType,
                timeout : 2
    // open connection to target and send data over, function (error, response) {
                if (error) {
                            // an error occurred during request sending or response header parsing
                            console.log('urlopen error: ' + error);
                            session.output.write("urlopen connect error: " + error);
                } else {
                            // read response data
                            // get the response status code
                            var responseStatusCode = response.statusCode;
                            if (responseStatusCode == 200) {
                                        response.readAsJSON(function(err, readAsJSONResponse) {
                                                    if (err) {
                                                                session.reject("readAsJSON error: " + JSON.stringify(err));
                                                    } else {
                                                                session.output.write(" Success ");
                                                                console.options(vLogCategory).log("Appliance: " + vAppliance + ", CPUUsage: " + JSON.stringify(readAsJSONResponse.CPUUsage.tenSeconds));



    Script Name: getServicesMemStatus.js
    Purpose: Get Statistics that cannot be produced by the log target on DataPower.
    1. Ensure the logging category is set on the appliances Log Category section of the appliance, otherwise the log category will not exist for this event to be logged.
    2. Ensure the setDeviceName.xsl is used in the service otherwise the context variable will not be found, and the script will fail.
    3. Ensure the XML Manager > User Agent contains the SSL Client Profile and Basic-Auth which is used because the REST call requires https connection, and DataPower username/pass authentication. The call will fail without it.
    4. Ensure the REST API url is update to reflect the proper domain. For example, in this script there is a domain in the URL which will need updating when migrating to staging and production.
    var vHost = "https://MGMT:5554/mgmt/status/<domain_here>/ServicesMemoryStatus2";
    var vLogCategory = {
                'category': 'GetStatCategory'
    var sm = require('service-metadata');
    var hm = require('header-metadata');
    var urlopen = require('urlopen');
    var ct = hm.current.get('Content-Type');
    var ctx ='getstat') || session.createContext('getstat');
    var vAppliance = ctx.getVar('devicename').replace('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', '') || 0;
    var vDomainName = sm.getVar("var://service/domain-name");
    var vXMLContentType = "application/json";
    // define the urlopen options
    var options = {
                target: vHost,
                method: 'GET',
                contentType: vXMLContentType,
                timeout: 2
    // open connection to target and send data over, function (error, response) {
                if (error) {
                            // an error occurred during request sending or response header parsing
                            console.log('urlopen error: ' + error);
                            session.output.write("urlopen connect error: " + error);
                } else {
                            // read response data
                            // get the response status code
                            var responseStatusCode = response.statusCode;
                            if (responseStatusCode == 200) {
                                        response.readAsJSON(function (err, readAsJSONResponse) {
                                                    if (err) {
                                                                session.reject("readAsJSON error: " + JSON.stringify(err));
                                                    } else {
                                                                session.output.write(" Success ");
                                                                var vServiceMemoryStatus = readAsJSONResponse.ServicesMemoryStatus2;
                                                                for (var i = 0; i < vServiceMemoryStatus.length; i++) {
                                                                            console.options(vLogCategory).log('Appliance: ' + vAppliance + ', Services Memory Status: ' + '[{"serviceName": "' + vServiceMemoryStatus[i].serviceName + '", "currentMemory": "' + vServiceMemoryStatus[i].current + '"}]');



    Script Name: getDomainMemStatus.js
    Purpose: Get Statistics that cannot be produced by the log target on DataPower.
    1. Ensure the logging category is set on the appliances Log Category section of the appliance, otherwise the log category will not exist for this event to be logged.
    2. Ensure the setDeviceName.xsl is used in the service otherwise the context variable will not be found, and the script will fail.
    3. Ensure the XML Manager > User Agent contains the SSL Client Profile and Basic-Auth which is used because the REST call requires https connection, and DataPower username/pass authentication. The call will fail without it.
    var vHost = "https://MGMT:5554/mgmt/status/default/DomainsMemoryStatus2";
    var vLogCategory = {'category':'GetStatCategory'};
    var sm = require('service-metadata');
    var hm = require('header-metadata');
    var urlopen = require('urlopen');
    var ct = hm.current.get('Content-Type');
    var ctx ='getstat') || session.createContext('getstat');
    var vAppliance = ctx.getVar('devicename').replace('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>','') || 0;
    var vDomainName = sm.getVar("var://service/domain-name");
    var vXMLContentType = "application/json";
                // define the urlopen options
                var options = {
                target : vHost,
                method : 'GET',
                contentType : vXMLContentType,
                timeout : 2
    // open connection to target and send data over, function (error, response) {
                if (error) {
                            // an error occurred during request sending or response header parsing
                            console.log('urlopen error: ' + error);
                            session.output.write("urlopen connect error: " + error);
                } else {
                            // read response data
                            // get the response status code
                            var responseStatusCode = response.statusCode;
                            if (responseStatusCode == 200) {
                                        response.readAsJSON(function(err, readAsJSONResponse) {
                                                    if (err) {
                                                                session.reject("readAsJSON error: " + JSON.stringify(err));
                                                    } else {
                                                                session.output.write(" Success ");
                                                                var vDomainMemoryStatus = readAsJSONResponse.DomainsMemoryStatus2;
                                                                for (var i = 0; i < vDomainMemoryStatus.length; i++) {
                                                                            console.options(vLogCategory).log("Appliance: " + vAppliance
                                                                            + ", Domain Memory Status: "
                                                                            + "[{Domain: "
                                                                            + vDomainMemoryStatus[i].Domain
                                                                            + ", ServicesCurrent: "
                                                                            + vDomainMemoryStatus[i].ServicesCurrent
                                                                            + "}]");



    Script Name: callGetStat.xsl
    Purpose: Get statistics which are not available from logging to output in syslogs. Stylesheet can be placed in XML Manager
        xmlns:exsl="" xmlns:client=""
        extension-element-prefixes="dp dpconfig exsl">

                <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>

                <xsl:template match="/">


  4. Artifact Export

