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mqsc_qmgrs script

By Tim Zielke posted Thu July 09, 2020 09:29 AM


mqsc_qmgrs script


mqsc_qmgrs is a Unix bash script that provides a way to call the client option of runmqsc for a group of queue managers and format the output into a file that contains all the raw output data and a file that has the individual results on one line (to aid with grep searches of the data).  I am including the script at the bottom of this post as a reference. 


There is more doc in the script itself on how to use it.  Here is an example of some initial set up to be able to use the script on a RHEL7 server.


1) I have a RHEL7 server that has network connectivity to all of my queue manager servers and ports.


2) I installed a recent MQ Client version (e.g. on the RHEL7 server.  You need at least MQ v8 to have the runmqsc client capability.


3) I created a JSON ccdt for all of my queue managers and set up an ssl directory with a key.kdb configuration.  I then set up the following environment variables:


export MQCHLLIB=/apps/mqtools

export MQCHLTAB=ccdt.json

export MQSSLKEYR=/apps/mqtools/ssl/key


4) In the mqsc-qmgrs script, I set up groups for my queue managers.  For example, I have an ALL group that includes all the queue managers in my estate.


At this point I am all set to invoke the mqsc-qmgrs script.  For example, on Linux I can run mqsc-qmgrs against all my queue managers in the ALL group to find cluster data for a certain queue TCZ.Q1:

1) I would edit a file called mqsc-qmgrs-TIMZ-input with the data "DIS QC(TCZ.Q1) ALL".

2) I would make sure my CCDT environment variables are all set (as was discussed above):

export MQCHLLIB=/apps/mqtools

export MQCHLTAB=ccdt.json

export MQSSLKEYR=/apps/mqtools/ssl/key

3) I would run the script as follows:
mqsc-qmgrs TIMZ ALL

4) The result would be the following two files:
# This file has all the resulting data for our mqsc command against all the queue managers in our ALL group

# This file has the data above but formats it so that each unique result is on its own line (makes it easy to grep the data)



mqsc_qmgrs script





# 1) mqsc-qmgrs requires an input of a queue manager group and a unique identifier text.

#    A queue manager group contains a list of queue managers. The queue manager groups must also be defined near the top of the script.

#    The unique identifier text allows multiple users to run mqsc-qmgrs in the same working directory. For this doc, we will assume TIMZ is used.

#    Example: mqsc-qmgrs ALL TIMZ


# 2) mqsc-qmgrs must be executed in a directory that includes the file mqsc-qmgrs-TIMZ-input. This file will include the runmqsc commands to execute.

#    Example: mqsc-qmgrs-TIMZ-input might include the following:

#    DIS Q(*) ALL

#    DIS QC(*) ALL


# 3) mqsc-qmgrs will produce many temporary output files that will start with mqsc-qmgrs-TIMZ-output* in the current working directory (CWD). 


# 4) mqsc-qmgrs will produce a file in the CWD called mqsc-qmgrs-TIMZ-output-all, which includes all the runmqsc output from the queue manager group appended together.


# 5) mqsc-qmgrs will produce a file in the CWD called mqsc-qmgrs-TIMZ-output-all-1LS, which has the individual results put into one line.  This 1LS file is helpful for doing greps.

#    Example:  If the following lines was returned in mqsc-qmgrs-TIMZ-output-all for queue manager QM1:

#    AMQ8414: Display Channel details.

#       CHANNEL(CL.2S.SERVER1)                  CHLTYPE(CLUSRCVR)

#       ALTDATE(2016-03-11)                     ALTTIME(02.08.00)

#       BATCHHB(1000)                           BATCHINT(0)    


#    then the following one line would appear in the mqsc-qmgrs-TIMZ-output-all-1LS file:

#    QM1. AMQ8414: Display Channel details.  CHANNEL(CL.2S.SERVER1)              CHLTYPE(CLUSRCVR)  ALTDATE(2016-03-11)                     ALTTIME(02.08.00)  BATCHHB(1000)




# Define qmgr groups here

ALL="QM1 \

     QM2 \

     QM3 \

     QM4 \

     QM5 \




      QM2 \




      QM5 \



# enforce a queue manager group is the first command line argument

if [ -z "$1" ];then

  echo "Qmgr group argument 1 required!"

  exit 1



eval QMGR_GROUPS=\$$1


if [ A"$QMGR_GROUPS" = A ];then

  echo "$1 is not a defined group!"

  exit 1



# enforce a unique identifier text for the second command line argument

if [ -z "$2" ];then

  echo "Unique Identifier argument 2 required!"

  exit 1



if [ ! -f mqsc-qmgrs-$2-input ]; then

  echo mqsc-qmgrs-$2-input must exist in current working directory!

  exit 1




rm mqsc-qmgrs-$2-output*


echo runmqsc commands that will be run against queue manager group $1 are:

cat mqsc-qmgrs-$2-input

# execute in parallel runmqsc -c against qmgrs in our qmgr group
echo Initiating runmqsc calls for queue managers in group $1
runmqsc -c $QMGR < mqsc-qmgrs-$2-input > mqsc-qmgrs-$2-output$QMGR$PID.txt &

# wait for all runmqsc -c processes to finish, and store each process's exit code into array STATUS[].
for pid in ${WAIT_PIDS[@]}; do
wait ${pid}

# after all processes finish, check their exit codes in STATUS[].
# 0 (sunny day scenario) and 10 (objects not found) will be acceptable exit codes.
for st in ${STATUS[@]}; do
if [[ ${st} -ne 0 ]] && [[ ${st} -ne 10 ]]; then
echo "runmqsc -c for ${QMGR_HOLD[i]} failed! exiting!"
exit 1

# collect all the output from runmqsc -c into one file

echo Collect all runmqsc output into mqsc-qmgrs-$2-output-all



    cat mqsc-qmgrs-$2-output$QMGR$PID.txt >> mqsc-qmgrs-$2-output-all

    rm mqsc-qmgrs-$2-output$QMGR$PID.txt



# create another 1LS file that has all the individual results in one line records.  This allows an easier way for users to grep results

echo Create another file mqsc-qmgrs-$2-output-all-1LS that has all the individual results in one line records


while read LineTx;


    # We have encountered a new result. Print out what we had parsed for

    # the previous result, a delimitter line, and then reset HoldTx

    if [ A"${LineTx:0:3}" = AAMQ -o A"${LineTx:0:3}" = ACSQ ];then

      echo "$QMGR $HoldTx";

      for ((i=0;i<150;i++));


          printf =;





    # We have encountered a new queue manager. Print out what we had parsed for

    # the previous result, a delimitter line, and reset HoldTx, and grab new queue manager

    if [ A"${LineTx:0:31}" = A"Starting MQSC for queue manager" ];then

      echo "$QMGR $HoldTx";

      for ((i=0;i<150;i++));


          printf =;






    # store current line in our HoldTx variable

    HoldTx=$HoldTx${LineTx:0:${#LineTx}}"  ";

  done < mqsc-qmgrs-$2-output-all > mqsc-qmgrs-$2-output-all-1LS; echo "$QMGR $HoldTx" >> mqsc-qmgrs-$2-output-all-1LS


echo Finished!




Sat July 11, 2020 01:08 AM

Well, funny you should mention our tool, but that was kinda why I was asking :-)

I was wondering how the same action would look in an MQSCX script. I will make a little example to see how it looks and get back to you.

Fri July 10, 2020 07:50 AM

Hi Morag.  I updated the post to provide a better example.  Basically, the mqsc-qmgrs is a script that allows you to run any runmqsc commands against a group of queue managers that you have previously defined in the script, and then it collects the data in a way where it is easier to work with.  You can use either the output file that collects all the return data as is, or the output file that has each unique result on one line for easier searching/grep of the data.

I asked IBM MQ to implement this functionality in runmqsc and they said no.  So I guess people have to live with this script if they want it.  :-)  Or maybe your company could implement it in your proprietary mqsc tool?  :-)  I personally find it invaluable and use it all the time at my company.

Fri July 10, 2020 05:00 AM

Gosh - there's a lot of work gone into this - what sorts of commands do you issue through this? You briefly mentioned cluster queue and channel data - an example would really help to bring home what you're trying to do. Is it a script with lots of commands, or just one command that you want to issue everywhere. Have you in essence implemented a sort of CMDSCOPE (a z/OS only thing in MQ) for distributed?