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IBM App Connect: Developing integrations with AI powered support for an array of complex fields with Mapping Assist

By Thanmayi Mruthyunjaya posted Mon November 30, 2020 05:31 AM


Mapping Assist introduces Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities in IBM App Connect to accelerate the speed of development, shorten time to value and improve overall user experience by providing intelligent, customized data map suggestions. Mapping Assist will return AI model suggestions for an array of complex fields.


Now let’s take a look at some real-time use cases and see how it helps to reduce your development and deployment time.

A key feature in Mapping Assist for supporting an array of the complex field:

For both the Insert-Suggestions and Field level suggestions, Mapping Assist will generate suggestions for both array of complex fields and array inside nested array as well with (Semantic/NonSemantic) matching.

The scenario opted to discuss the array of complex fields in both field level and insert-suggestions for an array of complex fields is as below:

The Sync the NetsuiteErp Contacts with NetsuiteCRM Contacts scenario is used to demonstrate this.

Figure 1:
Netsuite ERP contacts with Netsuite CRM contact

There are around 76 suggestions found integrating Netsuite ERP Contact with Netsuite CRM Contact as shown below:

Figure 2: Showing the suggestions found

Netsuite CRM Create contact has multiple arrays of complex fields can be seen in the below picture :

Figure 3: Showing multiple array of complex fields found inside Addressbook list

Addressbook list has an array Addressbook, Addressbook has an object Edit with multiple fields in it and has one nested array inside the custom field list. This is an example of an array having a nested array inside.

Fields which have multiple suggestions with the same confidence rating will not be mapped by the insert-suggestions, those suggestions will be provided in field-level suggestions.

Click on the 'Insert suggestions', all 76 high confident suggestions with 80% accuracy rate will be inserted automatically to Netsuite CRM Contact for an array of complex fields as shown below:

Figure 4: Displaying mapping inserted automatically for an array of complex fields.

Field level suggestions for the Addressbook can also be done by clicking on the textbox, that will present the suggestions if Mapping Assist found suggestions for that field in the form of a Suggested mappings list. This displays up to five suggestions with percentages that are above 30% from all previous nodes.

Figure 5: Field level suggestions for an array of complex field Addressbook.

Addr 1 is the field inside the Edit which contains suggestions Addr 1 with 100% confidence rating is displayed as below in the picture.


Figure 6: Displaying child field level suggestions for Addr 1

The custom field list is an array inside the Edit object, the nested array has the following mappings from field level suggestions for the custom field.

Figure 7: Shows the suggestions for the nested array custom field.

Internal id which is a child of the custom field has got 2 mappings with confidence above 30%. The list shows the top suggestion with 100% confidence.

Figure 8: Suggestions for child element field in a nested array field


The above use case describes how users can use Mapping Assist to map an array of complex fields and notice how Mapping Assist has made our life simpler and much faster for mapping an array of complex fields automatically.



