IBM Integration User Group UK

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Integration User Group UK Roadshow 2021

By Stefan Kwiatkowski posted Fri August 20, 2021 06:58 AM


Virtual Integration User Group UK Roadshows are coming in Sept - Nov 2021 - Register today!

We are excited to hold the Integration User Group Roadshow Events this September to November 2021.   The sessions will be held 60 minutes, bi-weekly, in a Lunch and Learn format.

We have a great range of speakers lined up from various integration subjectsWhilst there will be a topic and speaker, this is a User Group and we invite all attendees to unmute to ask questions, share best practices, and send questions for subject matter experts in advance. 

New this year is the use of to
submit your questions in advance for each session. You can also "up vote" questions you feel should be answered by speaker.  See the unique link against each of the sessions.
Save the dates and register today!  Note you can register for all the sessions here or use the links for individual sessions instead.  Any issues with registrations contact

Each session will be as follows :
30 - 40 mins presentation by the relevant Subject Matter Expert
20 mins Q&A and a panel discussion including questions posted on

Event Date Times & Registration Links

Wednesday 15th Sept 2021
12 - 1 PM UK Time

Keynote - Integration Trends and Directions
Andy Humphreys : Offering Leader, Cloud Pak for Integration Product Management, IBM Cloud and Cognitive Software

As integration strategies continue to evolve Cloud Pak for Integration will be taking some bold new steps in product and feature delivery to provide the complete integration platform enabling every integration to be multi-style, automated and closed loop with built in AI, informed by real world operational data, to continuously improve integrations. This session will how how future enhancements will further help to to spark innovation and accelerate your journey to a more flexible integration architecture

Watch the "Keynote on demand

Submit your questions for the "Keynote" session in advance via here (now closed)


Wednesday 29th Sept 2021
12 - 1 PM UK Time

What's New in App Connect Enterprise
Ben Thompson : App Connect Enterprise / IBM Integration Bus Chief Architect

ACE was released at the end of May 2021, which helps you accelerate your digital transformation journey through automation. In this session we will review the main innovation areas of the release including Test and Devops Automation, Hybrid Cloud Operations and Developer Productivity. We'll also discuss the latest content in ACE including Business Transaction Monitoring.

Watch "What's new in ACE" on demand

Submit your questions for "What's new in ACE" in advance via here (now closed)


Wednesday 13th Oct 2021
12 - 1 PM UK Time

How IBM MQ is evolving
David Ware : IBM MQ Chief Architect

This session explores how IBM MQ is constantly evolving to match your needs for today and tomorrow, delivering enterprise scale messaging solutions from individual micro service components to inter-corporation communication, providing industry-standard solutions. You'll discover how it enables cloud native approaches, both in the applications that depend on IBM MQ and in how you deploy and operate it, driving down the overheads in administering and maintaining your critical infrastructure.


Watch "How IBM MQ is evolving" on demand 

Submit your questions for "How IBM MQ is evolving" in advance via here (now closed)


Wednesday 27th October 2021
12 - 1 PM UK Time

What’s new in DataPower and API Management
Chris Dudley : Developer Portal Architect, IBM API Connect

APIs and cloud-native architecture are at the core of enabling many digital transformation projects. Join us to learn about trends we are seeing and what's new in API Management and Gateways provided by API Connect and DataPower. From increased choice for developers with Multi-form API Management to app-scoped gateways in clouds and everything in between.

Watch "What's new in DataPower and API Management" on demand

Submit your questions for "What's new in DataPower and API Management" in advance via here (now closed)

Wednesday 10th November 2021
12 - 1 PM UK Time

CP4I – How to get into Cloud
Kim Clark : Integration Portfolio Architect, Offering Management

We will discuss the typical motivations and architectural patterns for deployment of integration in the cloud. We'll also consider the best way to approach the move into cloud, and what the typical steps are in a migration effort from an existing integration estate. Finally we'll consider what we have done in IBM Cloud Pak for Integration to ease and accelerate cloud adoption.

Watch "CPI - How to get into Cloud" on demand

Submit your questions for "CP4I – How to get into Cloud" in advance via here
(now closed)

Wednesday 24th November 2021
12 - 1 PM UK Time

How to operate CP4I in a Cloud Environment
Matt Roberts : CTO, IBM Integration

In this session we will examine the practical topics you need to think about to successfully deploy and manage a Cloud Pak for Integration environment in a public cloud provider such as AWS, Azure or IBM Cloud. Tune in to hear about the relative advantages of the different types of installation, and which additional cloud provider services will make you more productive!

Watch "How to operate CP4I in a Cloud Environment" on demand

Submit your questions for "How to operate CP4I in a Cloud Environment" in advance via here
(now closed)


1 comment



Wed December 01, 2021 11:20 AM

And that's a wrap! Huge thanks to the UK User Group for this series of events in their Roadshow.

If you were unable to attend, you can view and download all the sessions here.