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Purge data from the IBM Aspera Console UI

By Shwetha GopalaKrishna posted 29 days ago


Purge data from the IBM Aspera Console UI

After repeatedly checking L3 tickets, we have noticed that many customers are experiencing issues with the purge process. Here are some simple steps to address this problem.

Content by: Dibyendu Deb

  1. Login to the Console.
    Aspera Console
  2. Click on Configuration.
    Console Configuration
  3. Click on Database Tab
    Database Tab
  4. Click on Purge
  5. Schedule Console to purge the data now or at a later date.
    • Run now: Purge the database immediately.
    • Run later: Specify a time in the future or configure a repeating purge operation.
  6. Select time frame of data to purge.
    Choose the date by entering a number and selecting day, week, or month from the drop-down menu. Make sure the automatically updated date displayed next to the drop-down menu is the desired day before proceeding.
  7. Choose the type of transfers to include.
    Select All closed transfers or choose from the following list:
    • All successful transfers
    • All cancelled transfers
    • All error transfers
    • All inactive transfers
    • All zero-byte transfers
  8. Save the data being purged for archiving purposes.
  9. Select Save data being purged? and enter the desired absolute path into the Save to field (for example, /tmp/data or D:\data\). The purged data will then be stored in the file purged_data.sql in the directory: [absolute path]/console_purge_YYYY-MM-DD_hhmmss/ .
  10. When finished, click the Purge Now or Schedule Purge button (depending on whether you selected Run now or Run later above).

Purge Data from Command Line

Run the rake task using the asctl command:

# asctl --trace console:rake aspera:db:archive

You can also use the BEFORE option to purge data from before a specific date.

For example:
# asctl --trace console:rake aspera:db:archive BEFORE=2019-07-01

