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Using IBM® App Connect to interact with HubSpot Marketing

By Shahmini Arumugam posted Wed October 11, 2023 10:15 PM


Co-author – Srihari Ananda Kumar 

HubSpot Marketing is a digital marketing software that helps facilitate the integration of sales and marketing teams, drive sales enablement, increase ROI, and improve the marketing approach to generate more qualified leads.

Building a flow in IBM App Connect with HubSpot Marketing

Use App Connect to build flows that integrate with HubSpot Marketing and other applications. The connector is displayed as HubSpot Marketing on the App Connect User Interface (UI).

To allow App Connect to connect to your HubSpot Marketing account, you need to fill in the connection fields that you see in the App Connect Designer Catalog page or flow editor. For more information on connection fields, see How to use IBM App Connect with HubSpot Marketing.

HubSpot Marketing objects

The following are HubSpot Marketing action objects that can be run in App Connect.



Contacts lists

A list can contain information about individual or company-based contacts, deals, or other characteristics, including activities.


Any person who interacts with your company can be saved as a contact in HubSpot. For example, visitors who fill out a form, who contact your chat service, or potential consumers who were approached by your staff at an event.

Email campaigns

Email marketing, or campaigning, is a type of digital marketing that involves sending promotional messages or newsletters to a list of subscribers by email.

Marketing events

A marketing event allows you to track and associate marketing events, such as a webinar, with other HubSpot CRM objects.

Scenario 1: Create a marketing event in HubSpot Marketing and send event details through Gmail for each Eventbrite event

Consider this scenario where you use App Connect to create a marketing event in HubSpot Marketing for each event retrieved from Eventbrite. In this example, for each Eventbrite event that has been newly created, a HubSpot Marketing event is created. A Gmail message is then sent to the intended recipient, containing the details of the event.

In this flow:

  1. You run a scheduler-based flow that periodically retrieves events from Eventbrite.
  2. Eventbrite retrieves the events based on the organizer ID.
  3. For each Eventbrite event, if the Eventbrite event is newly created, a marketing event is created in HubSpot Marketing with the event details.

    For example:
    Note: The External account ID and event ID are identifiers that are created by a registered user when a marketing event is created. These IDs are unique and reflect the organization that is organizing the events.

  4. A Gmail message gets sent to the team who has created the event with the event details.

Scenario 2: Record event attendance for each Eventbrite attendee by syncing Eventbrite events with HubSpot Marketing events

Consider this sequel scenario where the Eventbrite events and HubSpot Marketing events are synced and the event attendance for each Eventbrite attendee is recorded.

In this scenario, the marketing events that were created earlier in scenario 1 are being retrieved. The attendance of each Eventbrite attendee is recorded together with the attendee's contact email ID and the attendance date in HubSpot Marketing.

In this flow:

  1. You run a scheduler-based flow that periodically retrieves marketing events from HubSpot Marketing.
  2. HubSpot Marketing retrieves the marketing events by using the external event ID that references the Eventbrite event.

    For example:

  3. For each HubSpot Marketing event:

    1. HubSpot Marketing retrieves the marketing events by using the external account ID and event ID.

      For example:

    2. Eventbrite retrieves the attendees where the HubSpot Marketing external event ID matches the Eventbrite event ID.

  4. For each Eventbrite attendee, HubSpot Marketing records the attendee's event attendance based on their external account ID and event ID. The subscriber state is set to ‘Attend’.

    In addition to attendance, the attendee's contact email address and attendance date are stored in HubSpot Marketing.

    For example:

  5. A Gmail message gets sent to the intended recipients, notifying them that the attendance has been recorded with the attendee ID.

In summary, HubSpot can aggregate marketing events from specific interfaces, providing you with a unified view of your marketing activities. It can serve as a single point of contact for all marketing campaigns and function seamlessly across other platforms.

These scenarios help the user sync Eventbrite events with HubSpot Marketing events. If the event is completed, it retrieves the attendees from Eventbrite and records their attendance in HubSpot Marketing. The attendees’ details are also created as contacts in HubSpot Marketing.


Try out our templates

You can view the following use cases in the Templates gallery in your App Connect Designer instance.

The following use cases are available in the Templates gallery on App Connect Designer.

  •  Create a marketing event in HubSpot Marketing and send event details through Gmail for each Eventbrite event

    Template URL: https://<your-instance-id>/templates/Create%20a%20marketing%20event%20in%20HubSpot%20Marketing%20and%20send%20event%20details%20through%20Gmail%20for%20each%20Eventbrite%20event

  • Record event attendance for each Eventbrite attendee by syncing Eventbrite events with HubSpot Marketing events
    Template URL: https://<your-instance-id>/templates/Record%20event%20attendance%20for%20each%20Eventbrite%20attendee%20by%20syncing%20Eventbrite%20events%20with%20HubSpot%20Marketing%20events 

  • Create a contact list or a contact in HubSpot Marketing when a new form entry is created in Wufoo
    Template URL: https://<your-instance-id>/templates/Create%20a%20contact%20list%20or%20a%20contact%20in%20HubSpot%20Marketing%20when%20a%20new%20form%20entry%20is%20created%20in%20Wufoo

  • Send a Gmail message to the marketing team for each marketing campaign data retrieved from HubSpot Marketing
    Template URL: https://<your-instance-id>/templates/Send%20a%20Gmail%20message%20to%20the%20marketing%20team%20for%20each%20marketing%20campaign%20data%20retrieved%20from%20HubSpot%20Marketing

You must enable the Designer AI features in your containerized environment to access the App Connect templates. For more information, see The preloaded IBM App Connect templates.

You can also import these use cases directly into your App Connect Designer. These templates are added to a public GitHub repository at For more information about the supported connectors, see App Connect Connectors.

For any inquiries on this blog or connector, contact Srihari at


